will now recognise your favourite routes. You can see your progress, automatically name activities based on the route (no more “Cape Town Cycling” for everything!), tag activities and flag commutes. Indoor activities with GPS data also get routes. This is a premium feature for supporters (thanks everyone!).
Activities with a route get a route tab:
The chart shows fields selected activities over time with a trend line (7 activity moving average). Click “Fields” to choose what to display on the chart. Click “Columns” to choose what to display on the grid. Click the headers to sort.
Click the name of the route to edit it:
If you have Strava connected and have ticked this box in /settings then name and commute changes from routes are pushed back to Strava:
The actions menu is as follows:
The “Apply Route” action will update the name, tags and commute flag for the selected activities to match the route. Compare goes to the compare page to compare the selected activities.
The map icon in the top right hand corner of the map pops it out into its own resizeable window:
If you add the “Map” column to the grid you can also click that to see the map for each activity on the route. Activities do not need to match the route exactly.
You can add “Route” and “Route ID” columns to the list view. The “Map” column is also useful when reviewing routes:
There is a new checkbox on the Edit → Analyse dialog to look for routes on the selected activities.
All supporter activities from 2025 should already have routes. You can use this to fill in your history.
If you see two activities that have separate routes that you would prefer to be one then you can combine them using “Merge Routes” on the edit menu:
The dialog shows both routes on the map and you can choose which one to keep. All activities on the deleted route are moved to the kept route:
You can filter for activities by route ID (enter space separated list of route IDs):
If you just want to see all the activities on a route the route tab on one of the activities is easier.
The icon next to the list view icon goes to the new routes page showing all of your routes, the most recent activity for each (navigates to its routes tab), an icon to display the map and other information.
You can merge routes here using the Edit menu.
Deleted routes are shown strike through. You can easily find them by clicking the “Activity Count” column to sort least activities first. Click a deleted route to undelete it. You can use the activity list view Edit → Analyse “Only find routes” to get activities that should be on the deleted route back on it.
Thanks to everyone who helped beta test this!