60+ - A group start

@Kim_Bonde, I’m a sexagenarian and would like to be added to the group. I’m passionate about getting faster and mountain biking. Thanks

Hi Todd … I cannot make you any faster, and I doubt any in this small group can … but like may of us have discovered by looking at our numbers, and how the others are doing, we are actually doing more, and we are getting better …
…And you are added …

That depends on how fast Todd is right now - I’m pretty sure that if appropriate, you can give him some good advise. Don’t look at me :joy: Welcome Todd!

@Kim_Bonde. @cyclopaat, I have loved bicycling all of my life. I put my toe in the water of racing 5 years ago. The hook was set and now try to get 3-5 mountain bike races in per year. Now at the young age of 61 I continue to get faster. It maybe about the only athletic thing I can imagine doing at this age and continue to see gains in my performance. I know this is not sustainable, but it is fun while you are riding the wave. Question, do you know if intervals.icu is age adjusted on the recovery side of the fitness chart?

These are (rolling) averages of your own numbers, indiscriminate of age. You can compare some of it to age groups in the ‘Power’ tab, if you fill in your DOB there or on the ‘Settings’ tab, it shows you your peers…

In addition to Cyclopaat’s suggestion: on your home page, you can also see the list of all people who you follow. Next to their name is a thumbnail of their recent fitness. If you click on their name and the on the ‘fitness’ tab, you can see how their fitness has progressed.

Don’t take Cyclopaat’s history as a template for your own progress! You will see that he is far ahead of the rest of we oldies!

Keep improving!

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Because I’m not an oldie :joy: :joy: :joy:

You’re probably ahead of all the near-oldies, too.

That is, in my head “I’m not old”. My body tells me otherwise :slight_smile: Never stop using that young mind to push that old body. I want my body to be completely used up when it becomes worm food.


I’m 67 and interested in learning more about how Intervals.icu can help me improve, to the extent that is still possible! I’m unclear on how the chat feature works with this. Is the discussion with a group private chat, and not on the forum itself?

Hi David. You just recieved a “Can I follow you” on the Chat Tap.
And you are welcome.

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Yes, it is. Welcome :sunglasses:

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Look at the “Chats” tap in Intervals.icu , and you will have recieved at least two green circles …
One for our group, which you are now a part of,
One from Me, where I ask to follow you …
( Do you have any idea how many David Williams Strava have registered … You are a major group in it self … )

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Buon giorno a tutti voi ciclisti over 60 .

Abito in Liguria Italia e ho 61 anni . Posso iscrivermi anch’io a questo gruppo ???
Eventualmente fatemi sapere come fare .
Grazie e buone pedalate a tutti.

Benvenuto, sei incluso

I would be up for this at 65, going on 18 in my head. Interesting to see how we all compare as slightly less young athletes

Hi Martyn. Just added you and send a “Ask to Follow” request on the Chat Tap …

You can now see the full history of a chat. Just scroll to the top.


For old guys, nothing warms like words from old times.

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… except words from old warms!