Workout builder

Did you set FTP, LTHR, Threshold Pace, etc… on the settings page?
If not, you will not get a visualization.

Thanks for you reply… I did:

Post a screenshot of your workout you are trying to build.

I’m getting closer, even if I did not modify any setting… now it just doesn’t show warm up and cool down:

The warmup and cool down doesn’t have the duration unit of measure showing.
It should be - 10m (10 minutes) or - 15s (15 seconds).

Here’s an example of the different types of lines and how they show on the chart.

They do:

Format 10:00 could be 10 hours 00 min or 10 min: 00 sec…

Use the correct formatting:

The word ramp won’t work either

  • 10m ramp Z1 won’t work either as you are only in one zone.
    Ramp works with two zones, eg. ramp Z1-Z2 or ramp Z1-Z3

If you click on ADD STEP, you get this pop up window.
Here you can add duration, the specify a range of options, eg. power can be %FTP, Zone Range, %MMp, etc.


Thanks guys: it looks like it’s working now…
Thank you very much everyone…!
@Gerald, what’s the solid/dashed line I can see in you diagram?

Schermata 2024-11-28 alle 18.23.52

If you set this value (circled in red below), then it will show. It’s the amount of work (measured in kJ) above CP/FTP. Called W’ and pronounced “W prime”.

Edit: the value in the settings is actually Joules (J), not kJ. you can get your estimated value from the power duration curve on the power page. It has to be manually changed.

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is there any feature in here that could estimate the value…?

What is the purpose, utility or benefit of specifying intensity during intervals? Example:

1m 56-75% intensity=warmup
1m 99-103% intensity=interval
1m 45-55% intensity=recovery

@Gerald has provided an edited screenshot of how it can be obtained via the Power Curve. Or you can also check it via any of your completed activties where you really push it and you will see your wBal drop. (Once it drops into -ve, that means your wBal is set too low)

This is for workouts pushed to Garmin. (There was a rquest somewhere in the forums for this)

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@Gerald do you still have the screenshot…?

It’s in this post

The estimate is how much power (watts) you think you can hold, above threshold, for a certain duration (seconds). Subtract FTP from that power, then multiply by the duration to get the estimated value.

edit: as you extend the duration, your power will decrease, or as you increase power, the duration decrease. Also, with a change in FTP, the value can also go up or down. Let’s assume that the two shaded blocks are 1x1 and 2x1; they both have the same area but as duration increases, power decreases. It’s not linear, but this hopefully explains how it works.

I’m a coach and on building the trainning plans, the step to make the exercise it’s incorrect we can’t go back on the work we have done. There is any way to make possible go backward and forward, in the steps/exercise.

Thank you for your time.

you mean like an UNDO?

Won’t a CTRL-Z work if you just want to Undo?

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