Workout builder

Hi David, would it be possible to have a flag to turn off the show_avg=1 tag when exporting to Zwift. I’m personally not a fan of it when using ERG mode on a smart trainer to keep my power where it needs to be.

So far I’ve been editing it out of the workout files using a text editor, but it would be great if this could be done automatically

Would that be an all or nothing flag for the whole workout?

Hmm, there are some potential edge cases in my own use such as sprints in free-ride mode and designing ones own FTP tests where having average power displayed would be useful.

SMaybe the flag could turn it off for the majority of the workout (off: show_avg = 0), while leaving it on (show_avg = 1) in free ride mode?

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If you leave out show_avg in the .zwo file does it default to off?

This is what I have so far:

- 20m 60% 90-100rpm
Main set noshowavg 4x
- 8m at 110%
- 8m recovery at 50%
Cooldown /noshowavg
- 10m 60%

So “noshowavg” will leave show_avg out of the .zwo file for steps from that point onwards and “/noshowavg” will put it back in again.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <SteadyState show_avg="1" CadenceHigh="100" CadenceLow="90" Power="0.6" Duration="1200"/>
        <SteadyState Power="1.1" Duration="480">
            <textevent message="Main set 1/4" duration="10"/>
        <SteadyState Power="0.5" Duration="480"/>
        <SteadyState Power="1.1" Duration="480">
            <textevent message="Main set 2/4" duration="10"/>
        <SteadyState Power="0.5" Duration="480"/>
        <SteadyState Power="1.1" Duration="480">
            <textevent message="Main set 3/4" duration="10"/>
        <SteadyState Power="0.5" Duration="480"/>
        <SteadyState Power="1.1" Duration="480">
            <textevent message="Main set 4/4" duration="10"/>
        <SteadyState Power="0.5" Duration="480"/>
        <SteadyState show_avg="1" Power="0.6" Duration="600"/>
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Yes, leaving out show_avg in the .zwo also has the average display off.

Would the “noshowavg” also turn it off for free ride mode? As I said before, I think that’s the exception where I would probably find it useful

I have added a flag “hidepower” that you can put anywhere in the text to get rid of the show_avg in the zwo file from that point onwards. If you want show_avg to come back (e.g. on free ride sections) use “/hidepower” to disable the flag.

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Thanks for this great tool. Is there a way to add a “category” tag to the workouts exported for Zwift?

I can do it manually, would be nice to capture it while I was building the workout. Here’s a couple images that shows what I’m attempting to do, essentially the category tag puts it in a folder with that name in the workouts within Zwift


I added support for this. Include

Category: Crisscross intervals

in the workout text. If you download a workout from a folder then the folder name is used as the category if none is specified in the text.

Importing a zwo file will add the category (if any) to the workout text.


The following options have been added to the new software for Garmin Edge 530:
-Increased maximum number of workout steps from 50 to 100.

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Would it perhaps be possible to add %w’bal/%w’bal reserve as a target value that would be reached upon specifying power (so duration is set) or duration (so power is set) - e.g. starting at 100% w’bal a target 0% w’bal reserve and duration of 20 min would insert an interval of 20 min in duration and a power target such that after the interval w’bal is at 0% (so, in this case a 20 min interval at 20m MMP).

The notes / remarks are shown in the current training field.

However, if you want to have notes available in fields other than the default training fields, use the IQ: Workout Notes field. It is a double field that displays notes for the current and next training step.

Full screen field:

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Is it possible to use the Km in the workout or just Minutes?

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Do you mind doing a short post on how you would like to specify running workouts? Tx

For the running workouts. Most of mine are based on time and distance.
For instance, my running intervals workout is something like this.

5 minute warm up

Repeat 4x
0.5 mi sprint
45 second walk/jog

5 minute cool down.

I have also seen workouts where a pace is specified like below

Repeat 3x
8 minutes at 7:55 /mi
1 minute at 11:15/mi

Repeat 3x
8 minutes at 7:55 /mi
1 mile cool down


Maybe I do it on a new thread. Here I was only asking if in addition to time it is possible to generate a step with the distance in Km

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For me the only addition there need to be for running is the possibility to put a range of paces (min/km) or speed (km/h) vs what is already available.
Interval length is either time (minutes), distance (km) or lap press.

In addition to (a) pace/speed as a target during an interval, it would be nice to have (b) HR (with range) as well as (c) HR zones as targets. Tx.

I tried your workout builder yesterday and it’s amazing thank you.
The sync with garmin connect works perfectly.
What I would like to achieve is to perform workouts based on power range using edge 830, but without having erg enabled. My trainer is the direto xr.
I build the workout using power range, but on the edge that sets up a target on the middle of range and erg is enable.
Does the workout was not build correctly ? Or is it related to garmin which always use erg mode on workouts ?
Thanks to everyone,

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Try to pair your trainer as speed/cadence/(Power) sensors only and not as a trainer. You will have the workout on your Garmin Edge and the trainer will not be controlled by your Garmin (= not ERG).
Garmin always sets ERG ON again at every step with a Power target.
If you do the above, it depends on your trainer if you can get enough resistance. You may need to run another app that sets resistance/slope.


I only have a dumb trainer (that I only used in COVID lockdown, its middle of winter here and I can still ride outdoors with just an undershirt) so unfortunately can’t help too much with these sort of questions. Tx @MedTechCD for stepping in.

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