If the power, heart rate or pace is very low then Intervals.icu will set the intensity of the step to RECOVERY and I think Garmin will then prompt “rest”.
That isn’t supported in the API docs I have. I will ask them if they have updated docs. This would probably require a checkbox in the Coros box in /settings to use effort pace instead of pace for uploaded workouts.
Is there any way to create a ",manual approach " at the beginning of training without entering a time?
I assume that I have in the vicinity several mountains on which to do the training with their start several minutes from my house .
If I set as warmup at 20m and instead I start the workout on a climb that is 40m from my house, don’t I risk to “Bust” the workout calculation ?
Can I set a free warmup time without being forced to enter the time ? I will finish the warmup time at the press of the LAP button on the garmin
Depending on your device there’s a ‘Open End’ interval that finishes when you activate the lap button. Garmin has that Open End type but you still need to enter a time that will be ignored.
I couldn’t find it on this topic, or in the forum. But is it possible to combine heartrate and pace in one workout?
For example I would like do do a warmup and recovery jog based on heartrate, but the intervals on pace:
For now I base the workouts on the main target for the workout, and keep an eye on the other while running. If 1 use different targets for different intervals i think the load is only based on one of the targets. so if i select Pace in the example, all heartrate intervals are excluded from the load.
Did you try this without the ‘repeats’? It might work if you do it step by step, in contrast to different targets within one step (the repeats). Can’t guarantee but it’s worth a try.
I’ve tried unsuccessfully to get this to work too… While you can set up a “mixed” target workout in Garmin Connect and get it to your watch, mixed workouts created in intervals sent to Garmin seem always to be converted to a single target.
You can create workout steps with power, HR and pace targets but you need to select just one of those when performing the workout. The goal was to be able to use the same workout for athletes with power and those with only HR etc., not to mix targets within the same workout.
Hello! Something must have happened in the past week, either in the workout builder or in my Garmin 955 (that had a couple of updates recently), because I had a run workout today and the behavior was very different than what it has always been in the past year, and it gave me a lot of trouble.
At the beginning of more or less half of the intervals, instead of the usual screen showing the duration and the text I set for the next interval (I set the text as the power target) the screen showed “Recover” and not the text I wanted. Is there anything I can do on the workout builder side? Thanks!
I have just rolled back a change I made yesterday. Intervals.icu sets the intensity of each step based on the power. I changed that to use “recovery” for less than lower Z2 power instead of “interval” (was 50% of lower Z2 power).
If you make a dummy edit to a workout it will re-sync to Garmin. Otherwise workouts re-sync once a day or so anyway.