Workout builder

Hi all,

Sometimes i will do a workout outside with my Garmin. What kind of file do i need to download for my Garmin device? .ERG or .MRC? I cant choice .FIT.

I know that it’s possible by settings to make a standard connection with Garmin Connect, but in that case i get all the workouts in my garmin, what i dont like, because my garmin gets full of workouts that i dont use. When i make a ride (for example 3h Z2) i dont have to get the workout in Garmin, because i know what i have to do.

Is it possible to make a checkbox for getting the file to Garmin Connect? So i can choice wich file i like to get in my Garmin for outdoor workout and wich file i dont need, but have maked for my plan, to make a futured PMC etc.

in short:
I dont like to get al the outdoor workouts in Garmin Connect. Only the more complex workouts, but i make al workouts in Intervals, because of futured PMC. Also 3h Z2, but i dont need that workout in Garmin Connect. Is it possible to mark/checkbox workouts for in Garmin Connect or something?

I do have .fit file download on the todo list. I actually started it but paused due to more pressing problems.

There is a todo list item to support tagging of activities and workouts. That will do this because you will be able to add a “Garmin” tag or similar and setup the Garmin Connect to only upload workouts with that tag.

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Yes thnx David! Yes exactly i will be able to add a Garmin tag!

Great work!

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Hi! I am having trouble editing workouts with the Main set looped. Seems like the repeats are created only if no other lines are written before the loop. Moreover, the step created after the loop is erroneously incorporated in the loop. I attach pictures to make it clearer. Thank you in advance!

Hmm. I just created that workout without issues. I see quite a bit of space after each dash … maybe there is some character there that is causing problems?

It’s obviously very basic but I found myself copying What’sOnZwift workouts to put in my calendar to see how they fit it.

So I made a quick page to help convert it into the workout builder parser.


Thats cool! Thanks a stack!

that’s really cool! How do I buy you a beer?

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+1 :slight_smile: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers:

Cool :+1:t2: One tweak that’s needed is with the ramps, for example:

10min from 100 to 200W
is converted as:
- 10m ramp 100%-200W
but should be:
- 10m ramp 100-200W
(without the %)

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Could this be incorporated into

Ah, okay I’ve only ever used it to copy the ‘%FTP’ version of the workout, I’ll have a look at making it applicable for both.

Just used this to copy a whatsonzwift listed workout and it’s great! Some of the workouts are only in plans so you can’t just go on zwift and select them so this works a treat.

Thanks so much Ben

I tried to create a ramp as percentage of MMP, but it’s not working, what am I missing?

If I remove “MMP 4m” I get a proper ramp fo FTP

Should be done, may need to use incognito or clear cache though, not sure how to get around that.

Nice one.

For the JavaScript you should just be able to add a “version” parameter to the script.js reference querystring and change that each time you publish. Something like:
<script src="js/script.js?version=2"></script>

That’ll make sure it doesn’t use the cached version when you’ve updated.


I just fixed this. It should work fine now.

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The workout builder now supports “MaxEffort” elements in Zwift files:


Not familiar with that, is that like free ride with pre imposed value?

It was suggested by a new Patreon over email and was easy for me to implement while fixing your MMP bug:

Element MaxEffort: An interval without ERG mode but enough resistance for the rider to self-select a strong effort.

I don’t use Zwift myself so haven’t seen it in action.