Withing Weight Sync

Hey There,
any ideas how to get the weight recoded with a Withings scale to Intervals? Currently Withings talks with Strava (directly or also via IFTTT), but if I want to switch of Strava sync, how can I get the data to Intervals? Garmin is no alternative, as Garmin obviously doesn’t offer an API write access for third party hardware manufactures.
Ideally Intervals would sync directly with Withings, but I’m happy to learn about alternative ways.

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I don’t have a Withings scale - but I do use a Renpho scale that syncs to Fitbit and then to MyFitnessPal - which then syncs with Garmin Connect.

It looks like you can sync Withings to MyFitnessPal, so my suggestion would be to sync Withings to MyFitnessPal. MyFitnessPal syncs with Garmin Connect. Intervals.icu pulls in health/wellness metrics from GC. Et Voila. Weight data in intervals.icu.


Thank you @DanL, I will try this.

On a related note I have added API support for wellness:

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Hello, all:

The IFTTT connection seems to be working now. Have a bit of a challenge with older activities. Many were recorded in lbs, instead of kgs, which upset all the x/kg metrics. I reset all historical values to an appropriate long-term average, but am wondering if it’s possible to use the Withings archive file (zip) to update historical weight values.

Thanks much in advance.

You could download the wellness CSV (Options → Wellness at the bottom of the popup), open Excel/Google and update the weights. I am assuming the Withings archive will have a CSV. Then upload the wellness CSV.

I’ve been using HealthFit with great success, including pushing other wellness metrics. Don’t know if there is an equivalent for Android, but works great with Apple ecosystem

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Super easy! Thanks a ton, David.

If you’re on iOS, I just released this feature.