OK this sounds dumb but I have not used indoor cycling much so not well versed with various terminologies.
I did an indoor exercise today and intervals.icu tells me my eFTP changed and I should change it in settings. But on the settings page I cannot see the option to enter those values.
Again, I am sure that this is very basic and a dumb question but any help is appreciated.
Not a stupid question, but it actually says that you should change your FTP and not your eFTP and you’ve already found out where to do that.
Thank you very much for the reply.
One more question. As the message says my FTP increased to 165W. However, as per the settings it is already 183W. Then in that case, how 165W is an increased FTP when previous FTP was 183W?
What am I missing?
You set your FTP based on a test, and intervals never detected an FTP (eFTP) that was higher. When you did this last workout, it was the highest interval detected but was lower than the test FTP.
If 183 Watts is accurate, do not change it. There will be a moment when intervals detect an eFTP that is higher than your current FTP. That is the moment to change it in settings.
Thank you very much. I will keep in mind.