Wellness prompt, how does it work?

Hi all,

In the settings you can choose to be prompted to enter wellness data (suppose that would be a daily prompt). However i never got a prompt. Entering wellness data works without a problem.

Is it still under development or is it a bug/wrong setting?

Cheers :biking_man:t2:‍♂

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That is still under development. Sorry for the confusion. It is supposed to ask you once a day to capture wellness.


I also have just synced wellness data from Garmin, hope this will not mess up with RHR in the settings and so on ? Thanks

Hmm if you have ticked the “Resting HR” box for Garmin Connect then it will overwrite whatever resting HR you have in settings.

Hum, I checked the box but nothing has changed in my settings.

New data should come in from Garmin several times a day. I need to look into that.


I have revoked Garmin access and linked again and it fixed the thing. But I affirm that despite checking in the wellness data box I didn’t get any update before the revoke-relink action

To load old wellness data you need to click the “Download old data” button and choose the date range you need. It might take a while.

I add the problem despite doing this. It’s the revoke relink action which fixed the thing

Hi @david , realise this is old but did this ever get fleshed out?

No not yet.

@david just wondering, should the wellness prompt now work so you get each day reminded?

AFAICT, there is no prompt. You can click on any calendar date/day and then enter it manually at any time.

There is but I never used it and don’t know if it works as itended.

ooo… I see it now. I have it as “prompt” but have never seen any pop up or such AFAICT…

Is there a similar shortcut as described in the calendar for the fitness view so I can trigger the wellness prompt?

Prompting for wellness data hasn’t been implemented (yet?).

@david could you add the wellness data entry to the dropdown too, see C)? it’s missing in the fitness view when you click on A), then B).