Weather forecasts on calendar

The first version of this is live.

Click Options → Weather on the calendar page and add locations for forecasts:

If you enable more than one they get names on the calendar:

Click for a more detailed view:

Note that I am going to have to swap out the hour data for 3 hourly. I got a bit caught out by the sneaky pricing page on the providers site (10m calls/month only allows 2000 calls/day to the API endpoint that gives hourly data … grump grump).

Thought that I might as well release what I have so far to get the bugs out ahead of a Tweet etc…

Update 7th April 2020: The “wind” info now links to


I was thinking about this few weeks ago, then someone else had the same thought and posted a feature request and now it’s already done!

thanks David!!!

This can easily be a paid feature. Just sayin’


Are these forecasts stored on the platform?
More specifically, if I open tomorrow, will I see in what weather conditions I have done my ride of today?

They are not currently stored but could be. I am considering adding weather info to activities but there are a number of challenges. The service providing the weather data charges lot for plans with historical data support. I could use forecast data if your activity is close to one of your configured forecasts.


This is really nice. Should “Due point” be “Dew point”? I don’t think hour by hour forecasts are so important, so would be happy with 3h data.

I think Garmin Connect records the weather for an activity, and shows it on the activity’s map. Could historical data be retrieved from there?


Yes, Dew point.
Yes, 3h is plenty. Everyone has a weather app on their mobile device.


Well noted! I just came across this when updating the translation file and didn’t know where to find “Due Point”.
Will update with coorect Dutch translation.

I was thinking that the main use for me is knowing what weather is forecast for a race. It would be nice if the forecast was altered to reflect the location of the event. I guess the location could be added on a per-activity basis?


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Fixed. Tx.

You need to add another forecast for the race location a bit ahead of time.

I have committed the fixed files. Tx for updating.

Awesome feature! With a coach 1500 miles away, this lets him easily see my weather forecast.

EDIT TO ASK: Can this eventually have an option for C or F?

Tx. Yes it uses your C/F pref in /settings:

Screen Shot 2022-03-04 at 22.02.41


if you use Strava there is a plugin that automatically puts the weather on the activity note.

Schermata 2022-03-06 alle 09.55.03

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The Good

  1. David gets to save some $ for weather API sub
  2. solves @Maarten_Aerts’s question for Completed rides.

The Not so Good:

  1. There’s a rate limit from Strava API calls (Strava doesn’t entertain anymore increase)
  2. The Weather you get from (thanks for the link. Seen it multiple times but never bothered to find out more) is only available as an “after” activity has completed. I think some users, they like to plan their workouts based on the weather for those days in the future.

Holly Molly, I was just passing by on my calendar, and immediately noticed the change. I had to check on the forum to see if there was any info about that new feature !
Great work, as usual @david ! :heart_eyes:


This is a fantastic feature. 2 questions:

What is your data source? (as a meteorologist, I am always curious where people get their data :slight_smile: )

The only unit conversion I can’t find is mm - inches. Easy enough because anything > 0 is gonna be a “no go” for me, but for covering all units, that is the only remaining one I could not switch.

Thanks again for this feature!!

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Can see in your example that the 32/50 next to the wind direction at the top seems to match the maximum wind speed and the maximum gust speed from the hourly data - BUT…

On my screen, I see 18/42 for the daily data, but clicking on it I see a max of 6 for wind and 15 for gusts (there’s basically no wind here at all at the moment) - same goes for the future forecasts, in all days, the daily summary data has wind in excess of any of the 3 hourly wind data, and the daily summary gust is higher than any of the 3hrly gust data…or is this something else?

(love this feature!)

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Screenshot 2022-03-06 154649

When I saw “13.6” on one day next week I was initially stunned / worried, but then I noticed the “mm” up above. :rofl:


Haha forget a bike, you’d need a boat!!


Hopefully they are ok! I did compare to Windguru for a while.

I will add inches.

I have noticed that as well. I am using two different endpoints to get the data (daily and 3 hourly forecasts) and I don’t know how OpenWeather constructs the daily data. I have thought about just picking one of the 3h forecasts to use instead of daily when available (next 5 days) or perhaps looking for the min/max wind and temp out of those.

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