Upload workouts to Suunto watches

Maybe this is not fully integration related but would IT be possibile to set as a goal of workout step distance instead of duration (exchangebly)? Many dubbing workout are based on distance.

Not yet. That is a long outstanding todo list item for the workout builder that I really do need to get done soon.


Hi, i just started defining trainings with intervals.icu for my suunto. I love parsed-text way of it, but have a question: when people do workouts prepared by trainingpeaks, suunto gives dedicated, good-looking notifications about changing segment. When i do training from intervals.icu, suunto gives me only notification just like about lap end, without new segment name. Is there any way to make intervals.icu trainings working on suunto as good as from TP?
Following is the article with some pictures of dedicated notifications while training from TP: Suunto Rolls Out TrainingPeaks Structured Workout Integration: How-To Guide | DC Rainmaker
Thanks for your great work!

YOu’re referring to this screen specifically?

Yes, exactly

I will do some more work on this on Friday. One thing I am concerned about re the “next step” notification is what if you are doing short intervals (e.g. 30/30s)? Then the time to display the text might cause trouble.

They say next step notification goes away in few seconds so shouldn’t be a problem… anyway i asked local community how they feel this feature.
Also I noticed one issue (maybe I’m doing something wrong) : having segment defined as: “6m Ramp 60-80% HR” (115-154bmp) suunto is showing target of 134bm for all of 6 min, which is just average of min & max. Can I do something to make target value ramping up in time as it’s defined? Or you think it wasn’t implemented in sunnto watch software, as too complex?

Another improve would be to implement the “Next step” on “button press” like it is for Garmin. According to other claims it is possible in Suunto as for workouts defined in Training Peaks it works properly.

That is supported already. Did you try it and it didn’t work?

It should show the target (avg of min and max) but also the range.

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In the next few days I am curious about running with Stryd in particular, suunto uses it as a native data unlike garmin and it could be a great alternative

There is a side note “Garmin only” at the bottom od check box, so I have not tried that. I will check. Thanks

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Ooh I will fix that. Tx.

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Congratulations on the integration with Suunto!!

A question. When I created the workouts that I have in the library I did not select the “end on button press” option.
can that option be selected when editing the workouts?

You have that when “Adding a step” :

Upper David have explained that he need to correct that it “is not only for Garmin”.

Yes, when you create each block there is a box. But, if you edit an existing workout, the box doesn’t appear.

Just add “press lap” at the end of the step:


easy easy 🤦

Will there be a chance that the clock will show 5 fields instead of 3?

I tried to sync a workout but it threw me an error. In addition, I ask you if the spartan sport model is compatible?

Unfortunately not:

The Suunto Spartan Family or Suunto 7 watches are not compatible with the SuuntoPlus Guides.