Translation error to dutch

In the settings page, if you click on your gear on the bottom (bikes in my case), it opens a pop-up to adjust certain things for the bike.
On top it reads “Bewerk vistuig”, which means something like “Edit fishinggear”.
I propose to limit to “Edit” or “Bewerk”.

Thanks for pointing out those errors. I haven’t checked the ‘Gear’ section yet.
More errors were signaled:

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I’m almost done with reviewing, updating and testing the Dutch translation. It should be available later this week.
I use ‘Buiten dienst’ en ‘Hergebruiken’ for retire/unretire.
Gear is in some places wrongly translated to ‘tuig’ or ‘vistuig’. I use ‘Uitrusting’
And plenty of other translation errors that are caused by context…

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