Athletes assigned to a training plan can now all have different start dates. So you can have a number of athletes on the same plan, starting at different times so each on a different week of the plan:
In this case athletes on this plan will get workouts for the next week on Saturday.
You can still click “Apply Changes” to push workouts to athletes immediately. If you have configured “Rollout” then they will still only get the next week or 2 etc.
I can’t seem to edit the rollout, auto rollout or name of a plan after i’ve created it. Is there logic to stop this if the plan is already populating athletes calendars? It would be good to be able to change this on the fly as I’m developing the plan as I go.
I’ve changed the name and rollout period in the below example but the “OK” button is still greyed out.
The issue is that the starting fitness and fatigue values are -1 which is why the ok button doesn’t turn on. I am not sure how that happened. I have just updated them in the db so you should be able to edit the plan.
I probably a bit slow, but what does the “current week” part mean in “Start date and current week”? I can adjust the Start date via the edit pencil but I’m not sure what the week part is telling me.
Future workouts already applied to the athlete’s calendar from the plan are updated when the plan is re-applied. So if you move workouts around on the athlete’s calendar or make changes to them they will return to the original plan day and changes will be lost (so 2 is yes).
If you remove a future workout from the plan it will be removed from athlete calendars on apply (3). If you add new workouts these will be applied to athlete calendars.
It might be better to not overwrite changes where workouts have been moved or edited on the athlete calendar? Then you could keep the auto rollout etc but still tweak the plan for individual athletes.
Is there a way to add a tick box to the plan, per day (even just the future)?
Then we tick the boxes that we want to apply the changes to, and only those dates are changed on the calendar.
Unfortunately you can’t do that currently. When a workout has been applied to an athlete’s calendar then you can edit the time and they are displayed in time order.
I would like to suggest feature to training plan rollouts.
Lets say there are next 3 weeks published from plan to two athletes calendar (same plan) and plans rollout on sunday. One one them have availability issues and and needs manual edit for next week workouts. Right now if I edit calendar, it will auto-reset during rollout on Sunday.
Would it be possible to add Checkbox “Do not update from plan” under Week number ComboBox? That would keep edit for that specific week.
I would like something like this as well. I use a standard plan and change it in the calendar when needed, but after a rollout the changes become undone.
Or is there a different way to keep the individual changes intact?
so I created a training plan and wanted to assign it to myself and hit apply. When I try that, I get the following Error:
“Plan has no workouts in the future for any of the athletes”
I don’t quite get what the Error indicates, the Plan is full of workouts?!
If you click on the pencil, top left, of the plan you will get the option to set a start date.
Set your date for the future, or in the past if you’ve already started.
I did all that. Mine’s set to start 24th of March, but the error persists.
EDIT: Just tried around, if I set the Rollout Plan to “Next Week” I get the error message I posted in the previous comment. If I set out to rollout the whole plan - it works.