Training apps vs Basecamp, Fascat and other coaching platforms

Hello there!

I’m in my third year of a structured training and for now I’ve been mostly using two things:

  • The Time Crunched Cyclist Training - did two training blocks but found out my FTP was not increasing at all (maybe did something wrong in training/measuring/both)
  • app - using it now, satisfied with the progress and with the adaptive nature of the training

I have been hearing and seeing good things about platforms like Basecamp and Fascat and their programs and/or coaching offerings. Does anyone have an experience with any of these platforms and can compare vs the training apps?

I’m thinking if I might benefit in my improvement with a bit of a human touch for my trainings (without going full 1:1, which I can’t justify from the price perspective with my current goals), or if I should stay with JOIN and keep trusting the algorithm :slight_smile:

I’m mostly training for the sake of continuously improving and tackling longer and longer distances. I’m M33, currently at 237 FTP, train around 8-9 hours/week in-season, 6 + gym out of season. No goals in terms of race finishes, I want to have solid performance when going for an event (e.g. 168km race of Istria300 this year) and know I’m using my time to train in the best possible way :slight_smile:

Thanks for any opinions!

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I participated in the BaseCamp Winter Training Program (as an athlete) a couple of years ago and then again this past year (as a coach). It’s pretty awesome, a great price point, amazing coaching, founded by Tim Cusick (involved in the development of both TP and WKO). Always happy to answer questions.

Thanks for responding Lorri. From an athlete perspective, have you had a chance to compare it vs any of the training apps out there? I hear very good things about the basecamp and also got recommended either Winter Training or a Full Season plan after I finish the prep for my upcoming event this year, just wondering how it can improve my current experience as an amateur who primarily trains to get better, and only then thinks about any events :slight_smile:

Hi Matoduri! My apologies, as I did not see your question until today. I have been training since the late 90s, have been self-coached, had both cycling and running coaches, have followed structured training plans (without a coach), and have participated in group programs like Basecamp. By far, having a one-on-one coach is ideal, as that individual can really tailor your training to your history, your goals, and help you improve both your strengths and (more importantly) your weaknesses. I have not really used any AI-based programs for myself, but I know many folks who have tried it. While it’s a developing technology, there are still elements of training that are best with the human touch. I think AI (including various apps) can help you improve from a technical/science point of view, but I don’t think they will ever replace the “art” of coaching.

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yes, I’m in my 9th season of training and first couple years self-coaching using some of the Strava / Time-Crunched Gran Fondo & long climb plans. Then fair bit of time on FasCat/TR/Velocious(pre-BaseCamp), and a coach. This past year it has been BaseCamp and Join and what I learned from my previous coach.

The BaseCamp Winter Group coaching program is fantastic, I did this after having a coach for 3 years. I learned a LOT, from training best practices, how to analyze completed workouts like a coach, nutrition, strength training, mental preparation, event prep, bike fitting, and probably one or two other things I’m forgetting. However it is BASE training, and for build/race, JoinBaseCamp does offer all the Velocious and some updated/new plans. Plus if you cannot train outside (I did), you have multiple groups to train with on Zwift.

Where I ended up with a coach looks somewhat like Join, however my recent Join experience isn’t very helpful as my main focus the past 3 months has been in the gym. Had a really good experience on FasCat 16 weeks of sweet spot, and its somewhat similar to Join and does a great job supporting 8-12 hours/week outside (or inside).

Let me know if you have any questions.


This sounds amazing! I’m looking at the winter base training to start strong with all the foundation about combining bike training, strength training and nutrition + as I’m very much into all things data, I’d love to learn how to analyze my own trainings!

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