[TODO] Dialogs close inconveniently [Moved here as bug report]

I love the races feature. But one thing is driving me crazy when adding new races:

When quickly marking a line in any field of the edit dialogue with the mouse cursor from right to left (e.g. to copy or edit part of it), the dialogue window closes, and all entries made are lost.

This happens only if I move the mouse cursor beyond the letter on the complete left when marking. If I very carefully move the cursor just exactly so far that the letter on the complete left is marked, nothing happens.

Not sure if it is just me experiencing this, but to me this happens all the time and it is quite frustrating when all inputs get lost. I believe I have experienced the same behavior in other dialogues in Intervals.icu, but can’t remember where.

Does anybody have the same issue or can at least reproduce this?

Yes, I can confirm that several dialog boxes show this behaviour. The Load field in the summary for example and the Wellness dialog also have this and others that I can’t remember right now. If you ‘swipe’ to select text and the mouse cursor moves outside the dialog box, the box closes and you loose all edits. The most frustrating for me is the Wellness dialog because I always complete this one on my phone. If you switch to another app to get the next metric while some of the wellness metrics are already entered, it happens quite regularly that the wellness dialog has closed and you have to start over. That’s with Brave browser on Android. I found that setting the cursor in the next box is a way of mostly avoiding the closing wellness dialog.
On a desktop, I now use ctrl A to select the entire text as a workaround.
The Activity Name editing is not showing that behaviour.

I have managed to reproduce the problem (just drag from anywhere inside a dialog to outside and it closes) but no fix yet. It seems to be an issue with the component framework I am using. I have spent 1h30 trying to find a workaround without luck :frowning:

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OK, thank you for trying.

I will just try to avoid doing the drag gesture, but it is so hard to change habits… :sweat_smile: Happened to me several times even after I was already aware of the issue.