Find races and share your own

It also would be great if latitude and longitude could be picked up from the address, when chosen to entered), and/or optional too. Definitely a stronger barrier than entering the address: I am not going to go and look it up for people. I can see how cyclists would have it as they have the course already on their bike computer, but that’s really cycling-specific: runners, rowers, and probably many others don’t check latitude and longitude for any event (well, maybe some ultra-running events require it, but that would be a minority of events).

Just a thought for users in the USA and quite possibly for other locales with event aggregators. Many/most of our USA events/races are listed on . Bikereg has a search API. I’m wondering if there would be any utility in adding event repos like Bikereg to the Intervals Event Search dialog.

The location field auto completes with Google’s geocoding API so hopefully mostly that fills in the address, lat and longitude fields. I want latitude and longitude to generate Google and Apple maps link to the start and for map display.

I didn’t know about that but will definitely have a look. Tx. There isn’t anything like that in South Africa. You have to look all over the place to find whats on.

Hmm… sounds like a business opportunity. :wink:
The make a killing on processing fees to enter races and nearly every event uses them, including USA Cycling for championship events.

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Great feature, I have now added UCI Gran Fondo in Austria in April. Worked perfectly except that it marked as a B category race by default.

Tx. A/B/C depends on the athlete so it defaults all races to B. Its easy to edit if that isn’t correct.

1 Like now searches BikeReg, RunReg and TriReg for events if the country is US or the region is a US state code. Tx for the tip. Was quite a bit of work but hopefully the search is a lot more useful for US based athletes now.

Activity type assignment is approximate.


Awesome addition! Thank you.

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Is the filter an AND and not OR? If I filter for Ride I get a few results but if I add Gravel as well it returns nothing.

What’s the intended line between “event” and “race”? Is race meant only for licensed, sanctioned events or does a Gran Fondo-type event with a podium and a t-shirt for the winner apply?

An event and a race, in my world, is the same thing, as in the general terminology of A/B/C events/races.

It is an AND so people can find triathlons and so on.

I intended that to be for club rides and so on. A Gran Fondo is a race. I might get rid of event.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Dialogs close inconveniently

My group is also interested in “Triathlon” as a Race and event type.

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This is quite handy as I’m laying out my racing year now. One thought though, rather than limiting to a single state for the Region input could it be made to accept a comma-delimited list of states?

or use the regions from the BikeReg select?

<select name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$cboRegion" id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_cboRegion" class="ddl">
		<option selected="selected" value=""></option>
		<option value="1">Northeast</option>
		<option value="2">Mid Atlantic</option>
		<option value="3">Southeast</option>
		<option value="4">Midwest</option>
		<option value="5">Rocky Mountain</option>
		<option value="6">Southwest</option>
		<option value="7">Northwest</option>
		<option value="8">New England</option>
		<option value="9">South Central</option>
		<option value="-----------">-----------</option>
		<option value="">-- choose state --</option>
		<option value="UNK">Outside US and Canada</option>
		<option value="AL">ALABAMA</option>
		<option value="AK">ALASKA</option>
		<option value="AB">ALBERTA</option>
		<option value="AS">AMERICAN SAMOA</option>
		<option value="AZ">ARIZONA</option>
		<option value="AR">ARKANSAS</option>
		<option value="AA">ARMED FORCES AMERICAS</option>
		<option value="AE">ARMED FORCES EUROPE</option>
		<option value="AP">ARMED FORCES PACIFIC</option>
		<option value="BC">BRITISH COLUMBIA</option>
		<option value="CA">CALIFORNIA</option>
		<option value="CO">COLORADO</option>
		<option value="CT">CONNECTICUT</option>
		<option value="DE">DELAWARE</option>
		<option value="DC">DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA</option>
		<option value="FM">FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA</option>
		<option value="FL">FLORIDA</option>
		<option value="GA">GEORGIA</option>
		<option value="GU">GUAM</option>
		<option value="HI">HAWAII</option>
		<option value="ID">IDAHO</option>
		<option value="IL">ILLINOIS</option>
		<option value="IN">INDIANA</option>
		<option value="IA">IOWA</option>
		<option value="KS">KANSAS</option>
		<option value="KY">KENTUCKY</option>
		<option value="LA">LOUISIANA</option>
		<option value="ME">MAINE</option>
		<option value="MH">MARSHALL ISLANDS</option>
		<option value="MB">MANITOBA</option>
		<option value="MD">MARYLAND</option>
		<option value="MA">MASSACHUSETTS</option>
		<option value="MI">MICHIGAN</option>
		<option value="MN">MINNESOTA</option>
		<option value="MS">MISSISSIPPI</option>
		<option value="MO">MISSOURI</option>
		<option value="MT">MONTANA</option>
		<option value="NE">NEBRASKA</option>
		<option value="NV">NEVADA</option>
		<option value="NB">NEW BRUNSWICK</option>
		<option value="NH">NEW HAMPSHIRE</option>
		<option value="NJ">NEW JERSEY</option>
		<option value="NM">NEW MEXICO</option>
		<option value="NY">NEW YORK</option>
		<option value="NL">NEWFOUNDLAND</option>
		<option value="NC">NORTH CAROLINA</option>
		<option value="ND">NORTH DAKOTA</option>
		<option value="MP">NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS</option>
		<option value="NT">NORTHWEST TERRITORIES</option>
		<option value="NS">NOVA SCOTIA</option>
		<option value="NU">NUNAVUT</option>
		<option value="OH">OHIO</option>
		<option value="OK">OKLAHOMA</option>
		<option value="ON">ONTARIO</option>
		<option value="OR">OREGON</option>
		<option value="PW">PALAU</option>
		<option value="PA">PENNSYLVANIA</option>
		<option value="PE">PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND</option>
		<option value="PR">PUERTO RICO</option>
		<option value="QC">QUEBEC</option>
		<option value="RI">RHODE ISLAND</option>
		<option value="SK">SASKATCHEWAN</option>
		<option value="SC">SOUTH CAROLINA</option>
		<option value="SD">SOUTH DAKOTA</option>
		<option value="TN">TENNESSEE</option>
		<option value="TX">TEXAS</option>
		<option value="UT">UTAH</option>
		<option value="VT">VERMONT</option>
		<option value="VI">VIRGIN ISLANDS</option>
		<option value="VA">VIRGINIA</option>
		<option value="WA">WASHINGTON</option>
		<option value="WV">WEST VIRGINIA</option>
		<option value="WI">WISCONSIN</option>
		<option value="WY">WYOMING</option>
		<option value="YT">YUKON TERRITORY</option>


it looks like the api will accept both:

I have added support for comma separated US state codes as the region and will deploy Wed AM (GMT+2).

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Thank you. That will help check on races in my typical racing region which includes multiple surrounding states.

Perfect! Thank you.

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Does this support multi day events?

Not directly. I suggest putting the event on the first day and including the rest in the description.