Time constraint maximised training effect

I’ve been digging online but haven’t come to a conclusion and hope the experts here can help me out.

Background: after knee issues I did two Olympic triathlons (both around 2h50) and one 10k race (58min). I’m super psyched that I managed without all without any knee pain. I’m aiming for half triathlon distance next year but in any case want to run a half marathon.

My running training is time constraint to a long run on the weekend and a shorter one during the week. In addition I have a couple of short bike rides (30-40min), one long ride plus one swimming sessions per week.

The question: what gives me the most bang for the minute training effect for running?

I was thinking polarized with a slow long run on the weekend and one threshold/vo2 max/strength/ … run during the week. Does that make sense?