Technology behind

Hi everyone !

I’m a big fan of the interface of and I was wondering if anyone knows what type of backend and frontend is used here ?

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As far as i know is Vue.js with Vuetify for the frontend part.

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Ah yes, thank you very much !

And the back-end is mostly Java with some Javascript bits (parsing workouts).

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Is there any chance you would consider going open-source or allowing community contributions? This feels like an amazing program, I had been contemplating building something like it myself before I discovered and I love the idea of helping contribute to it.


I would also love to contribute if possible :wink:

Tx guys. I might but running back-end isn’t trivial so that might only work for the front-end. Its also a little “messy” :slight_smile: One of the reasons I started this was to learn Vue.js and it shows in some of the code.


I have experience with Java, Docker, automation and making things testable in general. If it may help :wink:

Frontend side I mostly worked with React.js, but will be nice also to learn a bit of Vue.js

Will be more than happy to contribute when you are ready :wink:

Thanks! There are lots of issues with keys for integration with Garmin, Suunto, Polar etc al not to mention looking after everyones personal data properly. So it’s not just technical issues. This kind of multi-tenant hosted service is not a great candidate for open source, not the back-end anyway.

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Let me jump on board with all this love: I’m a UI/UX designer and would love to contribute as well. A little polish would go a long way to making this great app that much better. :slight_smile:


Hah, as a backend guy myself I understand, but would definitely be interested in helping out with the Vue side. Been meaning to pick up some front-end skills myself so if you ever decide to involve the community, I know many of us would be happy to lighten the load :slight_smile:


I wish it doesn’t go the path of Golden Cheetah. Let David handle what he knows best. For everything else, Golden Cheetah.

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I want to try keep accessible and not too complicated. It’s very easy to use the Dropbox upload to also analyse files with other tools like GC.

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