Sync Weight with Smart Scale

Hi all,

How do I sync my Withings smart scale to the platform. At the moment the platform is pulling with from someplace but not my daily measurements taken from scale.

I think the measurement currently goes to Dropbox/Strava/TrainingPeaks/ health app on phone. I’m not sure in what order and how to get daily measurements sync’d and not pull a generic measurement like I current seen to have.

Thank you.


Hi, there are already several articles, describing all kinds of ways to sync, see:

If you’re okay with running a python script on a machine I have a solution that get’s the data directly from the Withings API and pushes it straight to the API - see Weight tracking (Intervals, Strava, Wahoo) - #12 by rolandplanitz


my withing sends to Garmin (with Bodyfat, muscles, water, bones etc.) via
then the weight send by Garmin to TP (with Bodyfat, muscles, water, bones etc.) / Strava and get my weight from Garmin too (without Bodyfat, muscles, water, bones etc.), but for example xert get the weight of Strava

Only weight sync probs to Zwift, there is no working solution


I’m currently using for syncing weight from Withings to Intervals and Strava. It’s free and has worked reliably for me.


I can see Garmin “bodyComps” data coming in for you in the logs. If you don’t want that then remove weight from the Garmin box in /settings. Maybe try fitnesssyncer like @sakumatti suggested?


For Zwift, you can setup a Fitbit account and pair it with Withings, then pair Fitbit with Zwift. It seems to break occasionally, but most of the time it works.

It could be breaking because

  1. it hit the 5000 max user for free account limit
  2. it hit the 120 requests per sec for free account limit

Just guessing, since Fitbit is a “big” company (didn’t it get bought over by Google?)

i already tried, it works for me 1 or 2 times and then the weight don’t sync anmyore :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’m currently using an Android App FitToFit (
) to sync my Whithingsdata (weight, %bodyfat) to
Withings → FitBit-> (FitToFit)-> GoogleFit->

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That’s what it did for me for a while. It’s been working properly for the past couple of months though. As I said, it’s not super reliable, but better than nothing.

Thanks for that although python script is above my level of understanding, I’m a highwayman :grin:

Thank you for this ill give it a go.

Thank you for this. I will see how I get on with fitnesssyncer and maybe use if needs be.

Ill give that a go and remove the Garmin “body comps”, thanks for info.

Not sure if you saw this already but now connects directly to over the API and uploads weight and body fat.

oh @fl33tStA I just looked at your account. You are actually on the service because you have Garmin connected as a source (the new system does not support Garmin scales). If you want to be moved to the new system let me know, we just need to disconnect the Garmin API link.