Click the list of wellness items to choose what to import. The last week or so of data is imported. You can use the “Download Old Data” button to fetch your history.
Resting HR is the lowest HR during sleep. Sleep score (0-100) is mapped to sleep quality as follows:
I have noticed the following: Suunto displays the HRV data for the night from e.g. Friday to Saturday on Saturday and in intervals but on Friday.
Here are screenshots from the night of 14.02 to 15.02 as an example
but I noticed that the sleep data is way off. Let’s take yesterday as an example - my Suunto app is showing my 7h22m hours of sleep, whereas only shows me 1h40m of sleep.
All the sleep duration records imported are in the range of 1h23m and 2h40m - so something is clearly not working correct.
If you need any further information (screeenshots, access to data, …) please let me know.
Are the sleep, resting HR and steps correct for the 14th Feb? Is the data on your calendar still the Suuntu data? The API isn’t returning anything for the 15th but two sleep records for the 14th with different data. Neither has BedtimeStart or BedtimeEnd info.
Ah man what a mess. Your data is completely different to the data I tested this with. It must depend on the device or something. Yours has no BedtimeStart or BedtimeEnd, no LightSleepDuration, REMSleepDuration etc…
Also there are missing days and double records on some days:
Hello David,
I have not yet loaded the “old data”.
In Intervals I currently have the first entry on 13.02, which is the entry from the 14th in my Suunto app.
The offset then continues every day.
Strangely enough, I don’t have an entry in Intervals on the 15th, but I do in Suunto.
Is it possible to delete the HRV entries and import them again?
So that we can see if the error would occur again.
I often go to bed after midnight - meaning my sleep for the night between 2025-02-15 and 2025-02-16 doesn’t start on the 15th, but on the 16th
The timestamps you listed do align with the sleep start date though.
In the Suunto app it does assign the sleep to the date at which the sleep ended - meaning the 5h29 is assigned to the 16th
The 7h46 is assigned to the 17th
I’m using a Suunto 5 Peak, which doesn’t track HRV, hence you don’t ahve these values. I also don’t have a chart in the Suunto app to show different sleep phases.
What it does show me though is the total time of deep sleep
On 2025-02-16 the deep sleep time is 1h46
On 2025-02-17 the deep sleep time is 1h39
I hope this helps. In case you need any additional information, just let me know. I’m happy to help you interpreting the data you get from the API.
Thanks. So those date and times are when you went to bed? Thats helpful because I can calculate the wakeup time and the correct day to put the sleep on.
Yes, I just edited my previous post and added some more context and screenshots.
Here is a screenshot of the entire sleep data that day - it’s in german but the word “Tief” means “deep” (so basically deep sleep) and that’s what the 01:46 stands for
So I should probably add up sleeps for the same day?
Yes, guess so - looks like I was awake for 23 minutes in the morning (at least according to Suunto) - the app seems to be adding them up as well (see screenshot)
In the post on Strava you show a Wellness Report as below, how does one access that, and is it possible to view our Garmin or other Wellness Data in this way as well?
If the wellness numbers are making it to Intervals, you can find all these shared graphs by exploring the ‘Custom Charts’ menu on the bottom of the Fitness page. Click on the Looking Glass to bring up a list of available charts made by users.
Tx. The updates are all live now. Multiple sleeps for the same day are merged. If they both have average HR etc. then these are averaged using the sleep durations as a weighting.
@david thanks for fixing this so quickly - just one more (minor) thing I noticed.
When downloading old data for longer periods (multiple months) it seems to fail silently, no matter how long I wait (even if I wait hours). But if I only select a single month it’s done within seconds. Maybe there is a limitation on the Suunto side, how many days you can pull at once?
I don’t really mind it - I only need the wellness data from the last 3 months anyway and I did pull them month by month, just wanted to let you know.
Any date range should work. breaks up the requests as needed. It turns out that for your data the API returns very many duplicate records and this was breaking the processing. Any block you did that hit those would fail. I will deploy the fix today (hopefully).
Thanks for your great work.
The data is now displayed on the correct days.
However, I still have two little issue: on 1 night, Suunto recorded sleep and a nap.
In the Suunto app, the two values are not added together in Intervals, can you adjust this?