Subjective wellness scores

Awesome, I have just clicked that button so hopefully it will go and grab everything. Will this be available in your API output?

Are you looking at adding the Garmin Stress score (derived from RHR and HRV) to the data?

I want to see if I can train some ML off my data…

I will add these fields to the API. Not sure where exactly.

I haven’t seen any HRV or stress score stuff in the data from Garmin yet. The daily updates have this:

  "averageStressLevel": 13,
  "maxStressLevel": 60,
  "stressDurationInSeconds": 360,
  "restStressDurationInSeconds": 21480,
  "activityStressDurationInSeconds": 780,
  "lowStressDurationInSeconds": 300,
  "mediumStressDurationInSeconds": 60,
  "highStressDurationInSeconds": 0,
  "stressQualifier": "unknown",

Don’t know what to do with that.

The ‘Average stress level’ is out of 100 I think, but not sure how it scales.

For my watch it seems to think low 30s is ‘well rested’ but then anything above 39 it tells me that I haven’t rested enough.

I guess its pretty hard to match that to your stress categories.

how Garmin measures stress

I’ve tried pulling in my old Garmin data a couple of times but it doesnt show up.

The new data is there since I turned on the feature a couple of days ago - but the resting HR is still showing up as the one I have in the settings (obviously they are pretty close).


Hmm. The calls go through to Garmin without error but nothing is coming back. Please disconnect (click the red icon next to “Download wellness data”) and then click “Download wellness data” to re-connect. I want to see if that helps. Tx.

Thanks, I’m pulling in the data now, let’s see if it works.

I am having the same issue. I have now also disconnected and reconnected, so will see if that fixes the problem.

Unfortunately it doesnt seem to have worked. I also still see the RHR I have set in settings on the days rather than the one from Garmin.

Same issue for me, have tried disconnecting and reconnecting. Sleep is also no longer populating from Garmin,

I will have another look at this issue tonight.


I can see whats wrong but haven’t figured out how to fix it yet, hopefully can get that done tonight.


Can you arrange for sleep to be entered in hh:mm format? I stubornly do that every time and end up with 7 minutes every time :rofl:

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Hi, there! I have Garmin connected and am building charts on the Compare screen. When I choose Stress from the Garmin source, I get no data. Is that expected still? From a post higher up in this thread, I was expecting to see the “averageStressLevel” value plotted over time. Thank you!

Unfortunately stress is not imported. I don’t have a way to convert to the 1…4 scale in

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