Was time for a break to be honest, took a new job and was busy. And couldn’t believe some of the things the not-a-coach head honcho would say. Or do, like beg legacy subscribers to pay more, and then months later go out and buy a $5M house in the Hollywood Hills. And then erase all discussion of that from the forum. It’s a good platform for a lot of people, and I still tell people to try it.
Hi, I have an app which integrates several platforms with Intervals.
Today I added Strava integration, you can copy your activities from Strava to Intervals.
It exports original file from Strava and uploads it to Intervals.
Version to download Release v0.8.0 · freekode/tp2intervals · GitHub
GitHub page GitHub - freekode/tp2intervals: Tool to sync between TrainingPeaks, TrainerRoad and Intervals.icu
This is standalone app (for mac, win, linux, also there is docker and jar), for authorization with Strava you just need to put cookie from Strava on Configuration page.
More information you can find here Tp2intervals - Copy TrainingPeaks and TrainerRoad workouts\plans to Intervals
If you have any problems you can reach me here, on forum, or via GitHub, or email.
That clause is badly written (it’s not clear whether “without explicit consent” applies to all three scenarios or just the last one). Slightly further up is a much clearer clause:
“Strava Data provided by a specific user can only be displayed or disclosed in your Developer Application to that user. Strava Data related to other users, even if such data is publicly viewable on the Strava Platform, may not be displayed or disclosed.”
So in your application you can’t show it to anyone else. If coaches are now “allowed” to see it they need to update these terms because this is a very clear prohibition on that.
Understand. Congratulations on the new job.
I am pulling away from Strava and TR towards here.
Keep your insights coming. I have profited from them.
There’s a specific exception for “community applications”
But man did they commicate this badly, it’s like an intern without proper understanding of the licence agreement wrote it
Looks like the sands are shifting and we may end up with a slightly better position. However, for those that are interested in letting Strava know the strength of their feeling financially I just got a refund for 9 month’s of subscriber fees. I told them that I felt that, based on their change the API Ts and Cs, the basis on which I chose to subscribe had changed and so I wanted the remainder of my subscription (9 months) back. They paid up without any issues.
Now donate all that to Intervals.ICU and tell David this is a downpayment on him replacing Strava wholesale!
I have a few, but I have now unliked once again Strava and I don’t see them anymore, apart from those I manually added to try the features of intervals.icu
I don’t know what I am doing wrong - cuz, for sure, I am!
What that via an email you sent them after cancelling your account? Right now my archive download link = can’t find server error. I’d love to bring those strava $ here to intervals.
Yes I sent them an email. Didn’t cancel my account though they just moved me to the free tier.
Thanks a lot guys for all the input. So I did, as many others export all the activities with source = Strava and reuploaded them. Worked like a charm in around 5min. Then connected Zwift up to Wahoo, which has the huge side benefit of my Zwift-Workouts now also showing on my Wahoo Rival watch. Thanks! Hope Intervals can benefit for this whole turmoil.
Have the requested download archive from Strava via email however the link results in can’t find the server. The url is "email.strava.com/https://email.strava.com/ls/click?upn=u001.OTZUsjTDwFHJlyym....... etc.
On a MacBook with current os and have tried Safari, Firefox and Chrome with the same result. Submitted a ticket with Strava but still no reply. Anyone else experience this? It’s too soon to request another archive download.
I do have most of my rides, runs, etc. in either garmin connect or ride with gps. But oooh wee it would be some work to gather it and pare it down to eliminate duplicates or some routes. Thanks in advance.
Mine looks like this:
I deleted the last 20 or so characters so that won’t actually work.
What email client are you using? Maybe it is mangling the URL? Can you try a different client?
Similar URL, apoligies for not getting the trimmed onto there as a text string.
Attempted a download from webmail prior to it getting to my local desktop mail client. Failed there as well. Have a ticket into support and will request another archive when the week limit is up
Sorry for my ignorance in case this has already been clearly stated somewhere. I am aware of the coming strava changes to their API and that this is going to make quite some impact on apps that rely on a strava connection. Such as intervals.icu. But what exactly will this mean for those who have their strava connected? And when will this going to happen? I am worried that all my ride history will just disappear off intervals and that everything will get disorganized if I don’t take measures before hand…? So, what to do is the question hete
Your post was moved here, as most of your questions are answered here.
Have you got some sort of tracker/blocker or firewall running? I’m running NextDNS for my DNS queries and it blocked the download. I had to temporarily enable a couple of trackers to get the download to finally work. I re-blocked them after the download completed.
Thanks for the reply. Must have been something on the computer. I ended up turning wifi off on cell phone, grabbed the email from webmail and downloaded it to cell phone. It wouldn’t open the s3.amazonaws.com link. That’s unusual, perhaps a new security add in mac os? All set. Thanks.
Strava could have issued better communication to explain what Veloviewer explained in their post; a short and better explanation of what is required by them to be compliant.