Strava is becoming more "pay to play": Will this affect the product?

As of today, May 18, leaderboards, analysis, and route planning are becoming premium features. OK, no big deal. It seems like there is no immediate threat to API but who knows what can happen in the future.

Here is bike radar’s piece on the matter, I included a quote about the current state of API.

“On that note, Strava says its API access has not changed following today’s announcement. The API for Strava segments and leaderboards is only available to “trusted partners” such as Garmin and Wahoo, for features that “add value for subscribers”, such as Strava Live segments.”

Tx. should be ok with the current API changes.

I am a bit worried to not have received a response for my latest rate limit increase request sent on April 27th. Before they would respond in less than a week with at least a yes/no.

7 Likes was my first worry! A nudge to getting people to pay for Strava would have been better than being pushed off a cliff.


With this move, are there any plans to support other syncing options? Such as Garmin or Wahoo?


There are. I applied for Garmin API access a while ago. I need to be a bit careful because apparently Strava doesn’t like apps that also get data from outside of Strava. One of the big advantages of using the Strava API is that I don’t have to go and integrate with lots of other services, only one.


according to dcrainmaker API will be drastically affected as well

“We realize that this is probably gonna break some (ok, most) apps. So instead of giving you time to fix your apps, we’re just gonna do it anyways and instead give you empty data that confuses your end users and app design, so this way it appears your app is broken – not Strava’s. Good deal?"

Way to go, Strava…


I don’t undertstand how just one developer in spare time, can do this awesome job for Training Analytics and Planning in such a few months and Strava have not innovated anything is this field since they existance. Their analytical feature is a pure joke.
If they had something similar to to analyse and have a calendar feature, a lot of people won’t mind to pay the 3/4€ per month.

Really hope they keep this API, because community developers have done way more for Strava than Strava itself (Intervals, Relive or Veloviewer)


Hope the strava api you use stays byt if not only garmin will not make everybody happy. I use Polar and not garmin connect…

Hoping that all works out OK wrt changes at Strava. Can you tell from metadata or otherwise the devices used to upload data to Strave that then makes it way to That might be one way to gauge Garmin/Polar/Suunto/Other populations.

Yes I can probably tell where the original file came from. Thats a good idea. I hope Strava starts making money! I really don’t know why they don’t just do ads? I mean they know when your running shoes are expiring, how serious a cyclist you are etc… It could be amazingly targeted which I don’t find annoying personally.

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I agree with you there David - targeted ads are fine for a free app.

I hate (targeted) apps, but the idea is solid, because it always makes me pay to get rid of them :joy:

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“This focus on subscription ensures that Strava can serve athletes decades from now” - I doubt that. Very much…

I just looked post FTP test and cant find my answer, does 'Intervals pull data from my Strava or my Garmin connect? I know I can send my Trainer Road rides direct to Gamin so if I can sink 'Intervals to my Garmin account then I will bin Strava for good.

I’ve just written a blog post about the choices we have with respect to the various apps out there now that Strava Free is less useful.

For me I think it’s time to ditch Training Peaks, start paying for Strava and go all in on TrainerRoad and


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Currently only pulls data from Strava. So long as that still works and Strava eventually look at my rate limit increase ticket its good. Strava is very handy as a central data hub and in return they get users they might be able to sell segments to etc…

However I am hoping for some clarity from Strava as to the future of apps like I am a little worried they might just strangle everyone by not granting rate limit bumps effectively limiting max user base. Thats easy to do and doesn’t generate immediate bad press like cutting off apps does.

Thanks for the reference! does have some planning features (workout library, future fitness, drag and drop on the calendar etc.) but not a plan builder or pre-made plans and you have to build your own library.

Cool blog. I just looked up the GPS of your weather station. Had to zoom out a lot to figure out where you are!

You’re not concerned they may stop free access and/or require something like the enterprise model at Garmin?