SmO2 and THb support on ride timeline chart

I already HAve a MOxy , i really dont like too much the Forum , and App , but is realiable , and like you dont want to pay a subscription for " maybe better assessment?"

@Arfoga Humon dont ahve more update and is discontinnuated , i think its still works, maybe worth trying if get a used one with a good price.

@pepe What does Moxzones offer that you don’t get with the Ant+ connection on Garmin watches?

I do not use Moxzones. Humon Hex out of stock

Yeah @pepe. I konw it is out of stock. I’ve bought one for a good price. I have a FR955 garmin watch where both %SmO2 and THb are represented at data field.
My question is about Moxzones app. Does the moxzones app make better Humon hex? Does it improve to the data field values? I don’t know if @Luisma_Gallego_Soy_P can answer this question