Shrinking activities on calendar - wonderful feature! It adds a lot to the general visibility of the activity load without grabbing too much focus on them.
I would only somehow connect those three fields in the Colors option menu to indicate that ‘Shrink’ word applies to all three types. Maybe the same background colour or a common border… or simply relabel them to be ‘Shrink Cooldown’ ‘Shrink Commute’
I have one issue (but not yet clear solution to it): Strava supports multiselection, i.e. I can mark same ride both as a workout and a commute and I have used it for extended commute rides that are also workouts. Now it seems that “commute” selection overrides the workout selection on side.
Now I could change my strategy and going forward not tag them as commutes on Strava side. But it has also been nice to see how much of the total volume commuting brings for time-constrained dad of young kids.
As I think now, the best would be to be able to shrink activities by any filter.
For example all my walks are considered ‘not important’ in terms of the cycling calendar and I wish to shrink them. But at the same time not all of them are my commutes.
Right now I mark all of them as ‘commute’, but ideally I would like not to.
Great feature, @david, thanks! It would be even more useful if – beyond collapsing – I could also visually de-clutter even more: reducing/washing-out the color intensity. Like fading-out on color these collapsed activities.
As I think now, the best would be to be able to shrink activities by any filter.
For example all my walks are considered ‘not important’ in terms of the cycling calendar and I wish to shrink them.
I had the same thought until I realized that I can hide chart, pace, heart rate etc. from my walk activities and thus have a similar effect like shrinking them…
Is it possible to flag a workout as a warmup or cooldown? I have standard WU and CD for every race that I just drop into the calendar, so that when I do that activity and it matches to the planned WU/CD it would automatically get the correct sub type.
I had the same thought until I realized that I can hide chart, pace, heart rate etc. from my walk activities and thus have a similar effect like shrinking them…
Each day I discover the beauty of this software. Its complexity that makes it at the same time difficult to overcome and easy to adjust! And David doesn’t make that process any easier… by adding more and more to the stack
Thank you for the effort. I still only have Commute, Race, Warmup and Cooldown in my list. Were there supposed to be a structured workout option there?