Should fatigue spikes just continue getting higher and higher?

I’ve noticed my fatigue spikes (purple line) just keep getting higher and higher, despite my form not/rarely going into high risk zone.

Is this to be expected? I had a couple of rest weeks during this period and often don’t ride that much (3 x a week).

During base your training load (blue) should go up and to the right as I’ve shown with the arrow:

That was averaging 5 rides per week during 3 loading weeks, and 4 rides during recovery week.

To your question, the purple line is a moving average of the last 7 days, and that needs to increase in order for your training load to ramp up during base training or a re-build after a mid-season break.

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The peaks of your Fatigue plot trend very similar to the peaks of your Fitness plot.
Since Form = Fitness - Fatigue, the absolute difference is more or less the same, hence the Form trends almost horizontal.

Thanks, sounds like I need to train more!