(Running) Efficiency - a query

So I have a Watch that generates power data and I’ve had the Efficiency (Normalised Power / Avg Heart Rate) chart on my Fitness tab for some time…

…noticed it gradually increased through marathon training block, which makes sense.

…noticed it had a big step up when I went and raced on track in spikes which made sense (completely different running style and surface to normal etc).

What doesnt make sense to me is that AFTER that big step up, my efficiency has stayed at that higher level in the subsequent few weeks…I’d sort of expect it to drop down to previous (non spike / non track running efficiency) levels…there’s no rolling average at play here is there?

Has the track unlocked some aerobic capacity I didnt know I had and it now remains available? Or something else??

(its hard to write with a mouse!)
(yes, I made my track debut at 200m and 800m a week before a marathon at age 54 :sweat_smile:)

It’s more likely that your neurology has learned how to move more efficiently. (Assuming that the calculating systems used by your watch haven’t adjusted somehow.) Part of efficiency is biomechanical and neurological. Helen Hall and Gary Ward talk about this to great length.

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Interesting, and thanks for the links, I’ll read into that :ok_hand:

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