Ratings on Trainings in Database

Make an addable Training Database that can be rated by users and sorted by predefined keywords

1 Workouts (30min, 45min, intense, recovery, sport …)

2 Trainingplans (TT10min, Climbing, Crit …)

GOAL: biggest free rated (like on Amazon with stars and comments) Trainindatabase on this Planet

Every trainig should be able exported in

.jason (Garmin import via chrome addon)
.wko (Zwift)

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Quite a bit of that is there already. Athletes can share workout folders and training plans. And workouts can be downloaded in FIT, ERG, MRC and ZWO format.


how can i find the library, or is it not released yet?

ok i found it :slight_smile:

i searched in the main navigation bar not in the calender

this is a very NICE feature :+1:

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Tx. Just in case others are also wondering where to find this. Click the book icon on the calendar page:

You might want to read through the Help sections:
