The activity map now displays a profile with colours indicating the gradient. Mouse over the profile to move the marker and see distance, altitude and gradient at that point . Click and drag to zoom.
it looks nice the profile! wouldn’t be useful to have the colors on the altitude stream we already have? so we can navigate it together with all the other metrics, like power, heart, cadence, pace…
Would it perhaps not be better to do a blue to purple shading gradient and a yellow to red, so blue and purple grads the decent and the yellow to red grads the ascents and green does the flats? As a trail runner i do a lot of both so a colour scale to cover all may be more suitable for quick analysis
Would be very cool to see these gradients (and potentially “climbs”) on routes. In general a feature set around analyzing your route library would be sweet.
I would like to see, different colours for ascents and descents, too, and maybe not so many different colours, green/yellow to red would be sufficient for me, to get a better overview of the profile.
Great and thank you for that. I appreciated as well the update last autumn with weather and wind impacts. This helps a lot to understand the Denmark trip late August at 73 kph head-wind. This is now part of the documentation of the whole OSLO-Loop. Thank you for all features on which I use every single day. Rgds IMCR
This is a great addition, thank you, David, for yet another interesting update! For those who aren’t enjoying the colors, there are other platforms that use more monochromatic schemes, which could serve as inspiration for possible adjustments here. Below is an example taken from Cycling Analytics:
Really picky issue on a great update. If you highlight part of the profile graph, then (as expected), the map zooms in, but if you then zoom out the map, the graph stays zoomed. This is on Edge on desktop Windows 11 not tried elsewhere. Workaround is to close the map window and start again - hardly a massive issue but would be nice to have a fix. Of course, there may be a hidden way of doing this I haven’t found!
Edit: Going to leave my stupidity above in case anyone else has the same issue - just double-click on the profile to zoom back out.