First, thanks for a great product!
Note: This bug might be related to [BUG] Wrong predictions on PMC
but I choose to create a new topic, as my finding doesn’t have anything to do with multiple WOs on the same day.
Well, here goes:
When planning a future WO, the Fitness graph for Form and Fatigue doesn’t calculate correctly. If I move the planned WO around, the top and bottom level of the graphs stay the same, not taking recovery into account (or something ) . And I really don’t know which calculation to trust - if any of them…
I have tried to reload both the calendar page and the graph page, but same result.
See attached screenshot gif:
I am not sure what is going on here. I just did the same “test” with a 3h 200 load workout and got completely different results. Is it still not working for you? I left the workout I created on the Sunday.
One of your older activities is getting a 500 error from Strava (something wrong on their side) so your history isn’t filling in completely, I need to find a workaround for that.
I’ve fiddled around a bit more, and can see that the graph calculates nicely when I create a future WO and leaves it. But if I start dragging it around, this funky behavior occur.
(I like to drag planned workouts from day to day, to be able to stay on the right track.)
I can recreate the behavior on Windows Chrome as well, so it seems platform agnostic.
Regarding Strava errors, I get quite a few “strava says internal server error” (or something like that) when I expand the fitness graph to cover more years backwards. And I think I’ve seen the error message a few other times, but cant remember where.
Tx for the info. I will have another shot and reproducing this. I still need to sort out those Strava 500 errors. Those activities can’t be downloaded from Strava so I need to ignore them.
Great, thanks.
Can I locate the workouts, which are problematic, myself somewhere in a log, or can you point me to (some of) them? If it makes any difference if find them in Strava…
I just found out, when reloading the Fitness browser window I get the error:
To be more clear I have fixed the “Strava error” problem, I haven’t managed to reproduce the original issue with planned workouts. Activities that fail to download from Strava are now marked as such.
And yes, I’ve just tested, and no more errors
Thanks a lot for fixing
About the fitness graph, have I understood correctly that you don’t get the erroneous drawing when moving around planned workouts? On your own data or mine?
I’ve just tried to reproduce, and it is still so, that when creating a planned WO and leaving it, everything draws correctly, but dragging the WO to another date, it gets funky…