Beautiful !
Question: would it be worth to use another color to have more contrast between the curves of the planned workout and the actual ride ? When they match closely, you can’t really distinguish one from the other; on the other side, maybe they would step on each other if there was too much contrast !?
Great update. Does this work with Trainer Road planned workouts? I’m looking at my workouts, e.g., 9/2/21 McAdie +1, and don’t see the TR intervals in the planned workout.
Does this work if you’ve uploaded the “plan” workout AFTER the workout has actually been completed/uploaded?
I tried this, this morning. I picked an MRC workout file from my BreakAway App, Finished the workout, it auto-synced to Strava and then got pulled into
ONLY then I uploaded the actual MRC to I don’t see the workouts lined up tho.
I then tried an experiment. I deleted all workouts and plan.
Manual Upload Completed Workout
Manual Upload MRC workout
→ nothing gets lined up / is present (like your screenshot above)
delete the Completed workout (MRC workout still there)
Yes the planned workout needs to be on already. You can manually pair (drag planned workout onto activity) if you create the workout after the activity.
Hi @david, there is an issue for “freeride” intervals, these are not taken into account in the chart as you can see in this activity :
Both the first 15min freeride interval and the last 15min freeride one are not shown in the graph, which starts with the first intensity interval.
Sorry to bump this old announcement, but it seems this does not handle pauses very well.
I did a workout that was rather high in spikes and needed some unscheduled recovery time to gather myself . The planned power keeps going over the time where my HR is still being recorded but my workout self paused due to lack of cadence.
sure, but it would be nice if we could toggle a “update target workout with as completed” because some pauses are inserted on the road to align with terrain and traffic (and have no impact on workout intent).
While I appreciate that it’s not exactly what was planned, I think it’s fair to re-align based on moving time, that’s not asking it to make up data but rather align on a different but non linear time (already used for a myriad of other metrics in I still completed the workout, and as noted above there can be reasons to not be moving but still overall be doing the structured workout.