Workout Target Data

Good day team!

Is there a way to add workout interval targets as fields under the activities’ “interval data”?
I use the HR / PACE workouts, and I’m looking to check if I managed to complete it accordingly… I believe Garmin has something for the entire workout (Workout Execution Score, presented in %) … that would be nice.


For the entire workout, ´Compliance´ exists.
Workouts done are compared to the planned ones. Compliance is based on the Load number.

Thank you Med. Is there a way to extend this to the each interval data in the activities?

Maybe having a field such as “Target HR Range” (or “Target Pace” / “Target Watts” Range) and “Compliance %” ?

You can create a planned workout that matches the intervals and then pair that to the activity.

I’ve done it… but how can I add the fields to the Interval Data page to compare it?


I think you can only do a visual comparison in the charts.
The target workout should be displayed in the background.
See example here: (clearly visible in the second 12m interval)

No numeric comparison can be done per interval AFAIK

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Thank you again, Doc. Maybe the individual “interval compliance score” data can be added in the future.

On this topic… any reason why the paired “workout overlay” is not showing on this one? I tried to play around with the workout slider in the options, but I can’t see it.

Hey, any news on this?

I have the same need, to compare each interval with the interval target.

The “offset” option is very good, but in a more complex session, if you need 30s more to your rest interval (non-planned), or you need to pause the exercise for whatever reason everything gets out of sync.

And for distance based workouts, with a HR target, how do make the charts sync work ?