Notes or names on week

I noticed the note for the week also shows up as a single note on the first day of the week. Is this expected behaviour?

Somehow it makes sense, but on the other hand I wouldn’t expect it as a “single day” note since it’s for the whole week and not just as single day.

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One small tweak needed, when start with a bullet, it overlaps the “title” of the note.

Thanks for this, great feature. We can have a big picture of the week

Yes, you can move it to a different day and it will still show for the week. Some people have the notes column turned off or are working on a small screen so they need to show on a day as well.

If I do that someone is going to want it turned off :slight_smile:

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I fixed this. The first bullet appears on a new line when the note starts with a bullet.


This look like a great feature, but the column doesn’t show up on my iPad (which meets the resolution requirements). Adjusting the screen text makes no difference. Any thoughts?

Did you try the tip a bit higher up in this topic?

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Thanks for coming back on this. Yes, I’d tried that and also tried moving the totals to the top, but no joy.

What does it say at the bottom of the /settings page in the “Device Information” section? Also try hide the left hand menu if you have it open (click the 3 lines at the top).

Doh! Hiding the left hand menu did the trick - I should have thought of that…

Many thanks! :grinning:

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Ah, of course. That makes a lot of sense.

I was wondering this morning if it could be set to display on a narrow mobile screen when the calendar view switches to one day per row. It could easily be shown underneath the weekly stats but above the last day of the week. See attached screenshot. This would be great for using it on a mobile

(Edit - I’ve realised the heading is shown at the very bottom of the week, but to me it makes more sense on the mobile view to show it at the top with other weekly stats, and preferably with the text showing)

While on the topic of notes, is there a particular reason why the colours for notes are constrained to those in the dropdown? Elsewhere there’s a full colour picker.

It would be useful to have a function for those who do not use notes in the calendar view to not show them. The calendar window would be wider and more legible. I did not find an option to hide the notes column - if there is one somewhere, I apologize and please tell me where to find it.

there is

option - > notes column

I have noticed that I can Copy these weekly notes. But how does it work? I only see the copy icon but then no paste icon/text anywhere. Can somebody enlighten me? Thx :slight_smile:

Just hover and drag when it’ s in a weekday with alt into the new place. It will do. You cannot drag from the Note Columns. You should also have an option do Duplicate, but i only use the drag

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