Notes or names on week

It should only show up if your screen is at least 1264px wide (1150 if you have show totals on top ticked) so it shouldn’t cause any issue for phones.

Anyway I added an option to enable/disable in Options:

I thought this would look better than massively wide day boxes … Guess people like those :slight_smile:


Notes tab still looks very wide on my screen. Or, more accurately, it seems like the day fields are set to some fixed size and notes take up the rest. On my main ultrawide (3440x1440) screen I have:

And on my second monitor (2560x1440) I have:

Also just wanted to say thanks for all the work you’ve put into the website, I’ve been poking around some of the other ones available and this is by and large the best value I’ve seen. Very appreciative of it.

Thank you this worked for me to toggle out, appreciate.

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i unticked the “notes” column but seems like there’s still an artifact? the remaining columns doesn’t seems to return to normal

chrome + mac (Mac + Brave also same)

works on Mac + Safari tho


Tx. My thinking was to give more space to the notes column so there can be more notes. I have on my main laptop screen or on a 4k screen. On the 4k I size it to only use 2/3 of the width and this all works out nicely.

Anyway I have removed the max width from the day columns so it should be better on big screens.

That is probably related to the max width on day columns that I just removed.

I think having a quick toggle (e.g. a button where the screenshot button is) for notes will also be quite handy, instead of having to go to the dropdown and untick. Probably take this with a grain of salt as you might not want to leak options on the header, but a quick toggle definitely helps if you don’t want to take too much space all the time.

Are these week notes exposed over any of the API end points or webhooks? I’m already being asked if this can be pulled into the Hub :slight_smile:

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Solved!! Tx

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Thank you @david
Love this feature.
Would it be possible to add an option to copy notes?
Sometimes I’d like to be able to copy a note and then paste in another athletes calendar. Also dragging a note to a ‘Notes’ Library folder would be great.
As an extra request that’s related, copy/paste for single days or a few days rather than a full week would be extremely handy for me (and hopefully for others :blush:).

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I will try get that done soon.

Yes they are available via the GET /api/v1/athlete/{id}/events endpoint. They are just normal notes (category=NOTE) with for_week=true. The CALENDAR_UPDATED webhook will give them to you.

Good idea, I just added that:


The view calendar event dialog is now draggable. I will make more of the others draggable soon.


Thank you David

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No matter what I do or try I can’t get the week-note colom to show up, it always stays like a normal note.
I’m I missing something?
viewing intervals via a samsung tablet

This is another great feature!

Would this be something that’s comes available for training plans as well?

Oh and if these notes could than be included in the mails that are sent to the athletes on the plan that would be even more amazing. It could definitely help in explaining the training plans and focus for the week better.

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David mentions a minimum width of 1150px with weekly summary on top.

It works for me on iOS (iPhone 13) if I reduce the screen text size to 50%. Perhaps see if you can reduce the screen size and see if it shows. (I’m not sure how Android does it).

It’s a S6 with a screen resolution of ‎2560 x 1600 pixels (as far as I can tell), so it should show the week-notes on the side
But youre tip of scaling the page works, if I scale to 90% the week-notes show on the side.

The view notes is draggable, but not when editing. Is this be part of the “others”? :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes the plan calendar now shows notes.

Good idea. I am going to add that.

Yes :slight_smile: It is draggable now. As is the edit workout dialog and the “add to calendar” dialog.

It’s working now :+1:

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@david would it be possible to repeat a note? For example: A note that runs from 1 march to the 31th is only shown in the first week. It would be nice when it’s visible in the notes column of all four weeks.