New Test of calculated fields

If you don’t mind adding me as a trainer that I can check, it’s strange those dips and rises, I would have to check those variations a bit. Thanks

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My power at AET dropped yesterday by 14 watts, but my AeTHR remains very constant at 146 bpm. Also, my MSS has dropped 7 watts. All were pretty constant over the last 4-6 weeks of 15hour training weeks. If you want deep-dive it, I can give you coach access too?

I went back 6 months and extracted the new data to see how it changed over time and showed it against my CTL.
All the numbers are about where I would have expected them except perhaps PVo2max which seems a bit low as I’d done the Kolie Moore ftp test which came out at 225W with a TTE of 42 minutes
@Luisma_Gallego_Soy_P Is this the sort of feedback you are looking for?

Out of curiosity, can you elaborate a little the difference between eFTP and MSS?

Can you post a picture of your setting?! I don’t get your point of view. :thinking:

Or is the view not from Intervals?

Its an excel or google sheets chart…not from intervals.


Thank you

I downloaded a CSV file from the activities list view showing the fields I’ve plotted, then imported it into Google sheets and created a chart. They may be a way of obtaining it in Intervals.

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Thanks for the chart, very valuable, see how it responds to fitness loss.

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If the best way to train your Art is to ride a lot at or below it, is the best way to train MSS to do intervals at or slightly below MSS ?

mss what you are looking for is a stable state (for me ftp is not a stable state) working in the range of mss ±20w should be able to increase this value, several athletes of mine in long distance competitions have worked very well at this intensity, even in fatigue giving excellent results. It is similar to Coggan’s sweet spot but with some modifications.


are these custom fields still available? all i see are copies:

Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 2.05.23 PM

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Due to the problems it caused I have removed it to avoid problems.

Are you still looking for feedback on this?