New activity comparison page started

I have fixed this. Tx for the report.

I have added the map. Use the legend tags at the top to choose which activity is displayed. It zooms to the currently visible portion.



Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Another thing I’ve noticed recently is the huge number of new posters to the forum. Many of these are coaches and seem to want to transfer their clients to Intervals (presumably from TP). Some (not all) of these same business owners are not subscribers to
A good place to start for making something subscription based would be a mandatory fee for coaches using intervals as their coaching platform. Whatever about an individual using intervals for free, it’s cheeky to say the least to use intervals as the bedrock of a business and not pay a cent for the privilege.


Cheeky, agreed. There’s a well known coach who hacked his way through the TP API and uses the platform for all his athletes without paying a cent. What’s more, he’s even bragged about it, and his clients are left with basic, limited TP. IMHO, no class at all.

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You can now select activities to compare from the athletes feed (tx @Jeff_Schiller1 for the idea):

I am busy working on interval progress charts, showing average power and other stats for the selected intervals for each activity over time. Similar to the chart on the current /search page but much smaller.


You can now add little progress charts showing the progression of an interval field (e.g. average power) from one activity to the next:

Click the “Progress” button on the toolbar to choose which fields to display on these charts. Defaults to average power and average HR.

The line shows the average for all of the selected visible intervals on for each activity. The dots the value for each individual interval. Mouse over the chart to see the average value and date or the value for a dot.

The activities are shown in reverse order to the activity table at the bottom of the page. The legend at the top is now also displayed in that order. Usually the activities in the table are newest first but these charts want oldest on the left.

I am going to release this to everyone this week, likely as a premium feature. It can now replace the old buggy interval search page.


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hello David
I don’t have an ad, do you have an explanation
LG Helmut

There are a couple of bugs with those charts that I have fixed but not deployed yet. I will likely deploy sometime tm. Tx for the report.

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Hello David, it still doesn’t seem to work, or am I doing something wrong.
LG Helmut

I figured out the problem and have fixed it. It was related to the colours you are using. Tx.

Just great

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Hi David, just want to say that I’m loving this new feature! This takes what was already one of the best sites for a stat nerd like me and makes it the clear standout best in class! Loving the javascript programming to dig in to activities too! I think you could really see a community of amateur sports physiologists growing here.
Keep up the great work!

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I have added general support for 3s and 10s moving average power streams. You could do this before using a custom chart and plot but this is easier. The 10s power stream is now the default for the activity comparison page.


Is the default on the activity page not 5s? I think I saw you post that in some thread before. If that’s the case, is there a specific reason that 5s smoothing wouldn’t be standardised across both the activity and comparison pages?

The traces on the activity page are shown “as is” unless there are way more data points than pixels. In that case it is a moving average to improve performance (usually only 2 points per pixel). If you zoom in on a portion it is shown as is.

For things like time in zones and the power histogram, a 5 second moving average is used on the server. The data is also interpolated first (for missing points, more than 1 second per tick etc.).

I added s3 and 10s power because these are common smoothing options on bike computers.

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Thanks for that reply.

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Wow this is going to be great!

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