New activities not syncing

Hello since this evening July 22sd, my activities are not syncing.


I’m having the same issue, specifically with Garmin

My run from yesterday synced yesterday, but today my midafternoon run and evening workout didn’t sync.

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Can I say me too?


I just did a ride in Zwift and it’s not showing. I did get logged out and had to reconnect my Strava account yesterday. Hopefully it’s just a snafu


It looks Strava needed to be reconnected in the the settings page. Activity now showing.

Did you revoke access and then reconnect?

No, for some reason it was showing at not connected. Yesterday, it was OK though.

I’m having the same issue with Garmin. Tried disconnecting and reconnecting, but don’t think it worked.

I am a Garmin user and experiencing the same problem.
Yestreday my wellness data didnt upload, same again today; and
today no ride details uploaded

Garmin user also experiencing the same issue with no syncing in the last day or so. Hard to say when it began. Also cannot import .fit or .gpx files manually.

manual import works but auto sync from garmin doesn’t

I’m having the same problem. I revoked permission within Strava and reconnected them, but today’s activity still won’t upload to intervals.

Yup, my bad. Hadn’t had to import manually before and wasn’t doing it correctly. Can confirm manual works for .tcx files for completeness of data

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Garmin stopped syncing for me too. No activities showing for JULY 22

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Mine just got updated.
Garmin recorded activities for synced from
Garmin and Strava to intervals.

I’ve experienced the same issue today and eventually uploaded the Garmin file manually.

Same issue here. Garmin run from July 22 did not sync. TrainerRoad indoor cycling (Dropbox) from July 22 did sync.

in my case i did it. Also tried to download ‘‘old’’ data from these days and remains the same.

There was an issue with message queuing software. Fixed now but some activities were lost and might need to be manually uploaded:


On my end, activities completed on solely on a Garmin head unit (outdoors) load fine in

  1. Activities (indoor) recorded almost simultaneously on My Whoosh and a Garmin unit - ONLY load from Garmin but NOT from My Whoosh (recently). Example - a Z2 session yesterday.
    Before (a couple weeks ago) BOTH indoor activities (i.e., from MyWhoosh and Garmin) would load into
    I would then simply delete one of them in so as to have a valid Fitness / Fatigue graph.

  2. Otoh - in my Strava, I still get BOTH activities loading (from Garmin and My Whoosh) - currently, and even before.

  3. Am not sure how the sync process exactly works - whether the Garmin head unit sends to Garmin Connect - then to Strava, then from Strava to Intervals? Or, directly from Garmin Connect directly to Intervals - bypassing Strava…