Max Heart Rate Settings

I have set my Max HR for my age, however, I frequently overshoot my Max HR. How does this impact the reporting? From what I can see it ignores anything above Max HR setting.

Never use formula’s for HR max unless you have no clue where to start.
Add a chart with raw HR and check the max value you got. If it isn’t an artefact, which you can easily seee on the chart, adjust your HR max setting for the max value found.


That’s exactly what I do, but is it possible that intervals can automatically update the max HR? It automatically adjusts HR threshold, it would be helpful to have it also adjust the max value as well.

Trying to avoid erroneous max values is important of course though

That’s why ‘automatic’ is a bad idea.
HR max isn’t changing much. It decays somewhat with age, but as a beginner you just have to adjust it a couple of times. If you’ve never reached HRmax before, it might scare you a bit when it happens (it doesn’t feel exactly ‘comfortable’ :wink: ). The second or third time, you recognize the feeling.

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You can also see your all time max on the HR chart, in every activity.

As a beginner, doing a 3-min absolutely maximum effort is a quick way to get close. Then try 4-5min until you can get up to about 6-min.

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A prompt (update = Y/N) to update it would be better.

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I totally agree, that would be a neat feature - basically a reminder that you broke it and it needs to be updated :+1:t2:

Is raw-hr actual hr ?

I can’t find raw-hr on the custom chart tool


It´s a std chart. Click on the + icon and add it.
It´s the unmodified stream from your device.


Certainly gonna be a much closer estimate, but I’d say this…
I never reached my max HR in a race or a routine training session.
Did a dedicated max HR test some time ago and never before that or since did I hit that HR! Got within 3 beats of it on a training spin one day but that was as close as I got.
I can also only assume that my actual max would be a couple of beats higher than my max ever recorded.

Completely agree!
And just to be clear:

  • HR max is in no way telling you anything regarding performance potential
  • The value itself is NOT trainable, it’s genetic; the time you can sustain it, may slightly be trainable but is quite insignificant

It’s just about the least important metric for training methods.



I have bumped it up to 180 which is very close to my achievable maximum, my max according to age is 152. This solves the graph’s flatlining on HRM history

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