Low hemoglobin and hematocrit vs. cycling

For some time now, workouts have not given me any results.
I did a blood count and it came out that I have hemoglobin and hematocrit at the lower end of normal. It’s not yet anemia but for cycling I think it’s poor :frowning:
Hemoglobin 13.8 g/dl normal 13.7 - 16.5
Hematocrit 41% normal 40 - 51
Iron 120 ug/dl norm 70 180
Do you know any methods (other than EPO and high altitude training) to raise these parameters?
What is the relationship between hemoglobin and hematocrit and FTP?

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Hematocrit - Decrease in cases of pseudoanemia, common in long-duration aerobic endurance sports. An increase is observed in cases of blood transfusions, administration of EPO or dehydration.

Hemoglobin - Its decrease occurs in anemia, hemodilution and hyperhydration or deficiency of Fe, Cu or Co.

In endurance sports, these values tend to decrease if not monitored.

Perhaps you should go to a doctor first and other biochemical parameters would have to be evaluated. You can request a vitamin profile, try to rest a little more, control any stress situation, maintain good hydration and try to sleep more (if you sleep little).