Like a trainer ride

This is one hour from my outdoor ride this afternoon - I can’t get much more flatter lines than the ones I produce when I’m inside, on my Tacx Neo :joy:

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You need some wind out there then!

Ha! I invite you to come and cycle here. I live on a pancake flat, wide open island, where a breeze quickly becomes a force to reckon with.

But yes, we do have wind conditions that occur maybe three times a year right now. However, you know too, that little wind, while cycling at 35 kph, still roars like a storm in your ears :joy:

Actually, these two days, doing the exact same ride, but in opposite direction, under the same circumstances, have shown me that 1 kph difference, accounts for ~15 Watts average.

Considering it’s not linear, that means I need to push ~325 Watts for an hour to get to 40 kph, which is probably why I have never been able to complete an outdoor 40K ITT of a square (track) within an hour. Close, but not quite…

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Wow, you really ride like a robot.

Check it out on Strava - mostly empty spaces with 5 - 10 km long straight stretches :joy: The slightly longer jump in power is probably the bridge over the highway.