IntervalsWellness - simple form to input wellness data

I wrote a simple webapp which allows you to easily input your wellness data.
You just open the web site and put today’s values. Simple and easy
App is available here -

To use it, you need to input your athlete id and API Key. All data stored in LocalStorage and the webapp communicates only with Intervals API. So your private keys won’t go anywhere to 3rd party app.
After that, you are ready to go. Put some data and click Send to save them.
Right now, not all fields supported. I’m planning to add more. Current list of supported fields you can find here

It’s a mobile first website, so on normal-sized screens it will look strange :slight_smile:
You can run the app locally if you wish, docker image is available.

I’m open to your suggestions and in case of any problems, you can write here or create an issue on GitHub.

The App
Docker image


Seems the web is dead?

Yeah, it was not very popular project :slight_smile:
If you are interested, I can try to run it up again.

Oh, that will be great at least to have a look. Otherwise do you know if there are any other similar app?
Ruben up and running again

It looks interesting, but I do not see that part I’m interested the most with the survey questions.

@Someone_Else Are you here? :slight_smile:

make sure you feedback to the developer. He’s active here.

I think is doable. Do you use all of these fields?


Did you see this?