I wanted a really short shortcut to update wellness data. Here is what I am doing with Scriptable.
It’s an App to write custom js code for creating widgets. It can show basic charts, data, text and so on.
It can also handle Alerts. Here is how I update the wellness data:
- Create a new Script:
(Remember to update to your credentials)
let moodScale = ["Great", "Good", "Ok", "Grumpy"];
let motivationScale = ["Extreme", "High", "Average", "Low"];
let mood = await presentAlert("Mood", moodScale);
let motivation = await presentAlert("Motivation", motivationScale);
let moodValue = mood + 1;
let motivationValue = motivation + 1;
// Today
let date = new Date();
let formattedDate = date.toISOString().split('T')[0];
// Update your crediantials
let athleteId = "i12345"; // ### Update this
let apiUrl = `https://intervals.icu/api/v1/athlete/${athleteId}/wellness/${formattedDate}`;
let payload = {
"mood": moodValue,
"motivation": motivationValue
// Basic Auth Informationen
let username = "API_KEY";
let password = "password"; // ### Update this with your API Key
let credentials = `${username}:${password}`;
let encodedCredentials = btoa(credentials); // Base64-Encodierung der Anmeldedaten
let request = new Request(apiUrl);
request.method = "PUT";
request.headers = {
"accept": "*/*",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": `Basic ${encodedCredentials}`
request.body = JSON.stringify(payload);
try {
let putResponse = await request.load();
// Check values
let getRequest = new Request(apiUrl);
getRequest.method = "GET";
getRequest.headers = {
"accept": "*/*",
"Authorization": `Basic ${encodedCredentials}`
let getResponse = await getRequest.loadJSON();
if (getResponse.mood == moodValue && getResponse.motivation == motivationValue) {
console.log("Mood and Motivation values updated successfully.");
} else {
console.error("Failed to verify updated values.");
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error while updating wellness data: ${error}`);
async function presentAlert(title, options) {
let alert = new Alert();
alert.title = title;
for (let option of options) {
let index = await alert.present();
return index;
The script will look like this in the Scriptable App
Create a shortcut with the shortcut app to run the scriptable script (confusing, but it is necessary because so we can put a bookmark on the home screen) :
Select the Scriptable script and important to select ‚Run in App‘! -
Share the shortcut on the home screen
Every Morning tap the icon. It will prompt:
The result is written to intervals.icu
Just three clicks to update two values
You could also skip step 2 to 4 and just create a notification for every morning:
Click on script settings:
Click on Notifications
Add Daily notification every morning.
It will then notify every day.
If you click on the notification , the script will be executed