You need to disconnect from Zwift in In another tab in the same browser window login to Zwift with the correct account. Then go back to and connect Zwift again. That should work. You can’t have 2 Zwift accounts connected to the same account.
Hello @david. I was able to reproduce the bug not only on Apple TV app, but also on my Mac. First I created a workout and then copied to another 2 days in the next week. Then I edited 2 of them and added one 30’ block to the first copy and a two 30’ blocks to the second. correctly reported to have uploaded the new files after the modification. And in fact, when I open the list of the workouts on Zwift, I can see the blocks added to the latest 2 workouts. See the first screenshot:
The problem is that if I open any of the 2 workouts with the added blocks I have the original workout without any block added. See the second screenshot:
I also tried to change the names of the two modified workouts to see if that would force a sync but nothing changed.
Let me know if this is clear or you need something else.
Thank you.
First thanks for the amazing work on the App ! I have 2 questions regarding the integration :
- I can find the Interval icu file in Zwift but my previously planned trainings still appear on Zwift. My old trainings will be deleted at some points ? My concerned is to have 100 trainings in the file in a few months and don’t be able to find the one for the day
- When I duplicate a workout uploaded from interval into Zwift, all the power intervals are recalculated by Zwift probably based on my zone. Any settings can solve this problem ? I would like to copy the trainings with the exacts same power
Thanks !
Hi @david,
Now that we got this great addition I’d like to have even more features, you see, I am not using planned workouts too much so far – I might become a more structured rider in the future but for now I like to sign up for various Zwift events – be it group rides, races or workouts in Zwift Academy’s case.
They are visible in Zwift Companion or even in ZwiftPower (maybe even zwift racing but don’t quote me on that, I think they scrape ZP).
How tricky would it be to grab them if someone signed up (see ZwiftPower - Login – Signups for an example) and put in similar manner to “proper” library plan? If it’s duration like in this case – put 150 minutes, if it’s distance+elevation than maybe some estimated load? Or even no more information, just what (name) and when.
Thank you in advance for considering it.
This looks like an issue with Zwift. If the folder page is showing the correct workout then has uploaded it.
I don’t know how that works in Zwift. deletes “old” workouts that it has uploaded so you should always have the next week of stuff. doesn’t have any visibility of workouts from other sources.
The workouts are uploaded as “% of FTP” so you need to make sure your FTP on Zwift is the same as on Then the power numbers should match. doesn’t have any access to those things. can only see workouts it has created for a specific Zwift user.
It’s a very annoying problem because it makes the → Zwift integration unusable in my case since every time I modify an existing workout in the calendar I can’t execute it on Zwift (i.e., Zwift gives me the previous version).
Should I contact Zwift, or is it something that you can point out to them?
Thank you.
When you try execute it on Zwift are you picking it from the folder?
I have seen this issue with Zwift running on the AppleTV as well. Typically I edit a workout (on after it has uploaded to Zwift. When I open Zwift, I can see the workout as edited, but when I open it to ride, it is the pre-edited version.
From memory, I think it’s an AppleTV thing - if I power down the AppleTV and restart it, the edited workout opens with the edits in place.
I have asked Zwift if they know about this issue. If the folder on Zwift is showing the update then very likely has uploaded everything correctly.
I have done 3 planned-interval workouts (in January) since the integration went live.
Each time I’ve had the correct workout showing (even with changes made, before logging in).
I’m using a Macbook (macOS 10.15.7) with whatever the latest version is/was of Zwift (in mid-January); I ignore any updates until the day before I plan to use Zwift each month, so this weekend will be when I let Zwift update, so it’s ready for the next 3 workouts.
Yes. The first screenshot is the folder and the second screenshot is when I double-click on the workout with 2 additional blocks. It’s the same also if I open the workout of the day from on the welcoming screen and it’s supposed to be the modified version. I get the same non-modified workout.
@Gerald are the modified versions of the original workout less than 7 days apart? Or do you have the modified workouts spaced by >= 7 days? (@david)
I’ll take a screenshot when I get home.
Then modify the workout and show the change.
I received a reply from Zwift:
I believe this should be fixed in the 1.83 release. It’s a side effect of ATV and the user not actually logging out. ATV will stay backgrounded unless you kill the app (swipe up), so effectively it’s like having the game still running, even though the user thinks they have ended the session.
No mention of a similar problem on Mac. However this does imply that you might need to restart the app on Mac to see changes even though the folder appears to have updated.
Well, at least they know the problem is there.
As for the Mac. I just tried again. Zwift closed. I copied tomorrow’s workout to Sunday and Monday. Then I modified them. Then I started Zwift on Mac and I had exactly the same problem. That is, the Sunday and Monday workouts are exactly the same as tomorrow’s (original) workout. Maybe it’s a strange interaction with the Apple Tv app? Meaning that if I don’t kill the Apple TV app, I have the problem also on Mac? The mystery is why the new workouts are there but only opening them shows the problem.
Let’s hope 1.83 fixes it.
Thank you @david
There is indeed a bug. My workouts moving were fine before but not currently. I might not have noticed because I select the workout that matches the plan, even if it’s in a different order.
It was the next 7 days, and not longer.
@Marco_La_Civita today Zwift is working perfectly; I made a change before logging in and it showing the correct file. My Garmin, though, isn’t updating.
According to the logs your Garmin stuff synced around 6pm (our time) today. No errors.
Thanks; the workout was updated, around that time, as I remember adding 18:00 to the start time for the workout, and so recall seeing 18:02. It might have synced to Garmin Connect, but my 530 had the original workout.