Importing traning plans from training peaks

Hey there :slight_smile:
I am new on intervals ICU and would like to import the training plans I have previously bought on Training Peaks. How can I manage to import them into my intervals ICU calendar? Any third party app I could use?
Appreciate all hints and tips!

You will have to export them to erg format and then upload them to intervals.

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I notice plans are mentioned, and not workouts. I’m not sure if plans can be exported, only workouts.

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Training peaks do not allow you to export plans, you have to do it individually for each workout included in the plan.

How many plans do you have?

I don’t think you can export a plan, unless it’s a premium feature. So, if you’re a free account user, you would need to add the plan to your TrainingPeaks calendar, then open each workout and download each workout.

Once you have every workout for the plan exported, you can import these to the intervals plan in the library (create a folder).

You can get help on the plan/folder in the library here:


I have about 6 plans for different sports so exporting every single workout would be quite tidious.

Do you know a solution for plans? Even if I have a premium TP account?

Thank you all for the support!

I don’t have a premium account, currently, so not sure of a way to export it.

Have you followed these plan previously?
If it shows as a workout, you can drag the workouts, in your Intervals’ calendar to the library. However, if you’re like me, and don’t do workouts in ERG mode, then the workout will have variable power and not a steady line.

It’s taken me months to setup my library, and it’s still not 100% complete, and probably will never be 100% complete.

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What format should export from in Training peaks?
Can the files be dynamic in that for cycling, if you change your FTP in, can the workout file from training peaks be smart enough and updte to know that your power targets will be adjusted if you change your ftp?

Just updating this thread with a very effective way to import Training Plans from TP

Tp2intervals - Copy TrainingPeaks and TrainerRoad workouts\plans to Intervals - Forum

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Read the thread I just posted; the app works well.

Workouts will be imported as a % of FTP (assuming they are in structured workout format), and the power target will adjust based on changes in your FTP in Intervals

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Thank you very much.
Are there install instructions?
I am new to github and now sure which file to grab to install on a mac.
Thank you very much.

The first post of the thread I linked has all the information and/or links you need to set it up. I don’t have a Mac sorry.

I just used tp2intervals on my mac and its worked flawlessly. This if the final piece that was missing for me to switch everything over :slight_smile:

Great work!

I’m trying to use this but still not being able to get the cookies to show (see my above post). I too see this as the last piece of the puzzle to stop using TP as I have a few training plans and lots of workouts in there that I use regularly. Hopefully my issue will be resolved :slight_smile:

Hi @DanielS, I can’t seem to get the settings needed in order to install and get this set up. I was able to make the changes to the mac to allow the program install, however, I can’t find the information on the developer tools pages to complete the install. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

This is genius! The app works like a charm!