It looks like you didn’t paste the actual link to the file? Or maybe your email client has mangled it. Anyway I have fixed the error on the side and will deploy Thurs AM.
Thanks David
Great Service as ever!
@david great work, as always.
Just to double-check:
- when uploading the Strava Archive via the Download Link
- uploader will import all original uploaded files to Strava
- uploader will not import the from Strava modified version, where a lot of data is missing like left-right-distribution
Yes that is correct. The archive contains the original file Strava received.
Is there a reason why Intervals didn’t upload power data from my last Trainer Road/ Strava ride (Is there a box to tick)?
Edit: it looks like its got something to do with the dual recording this time. The Garmin has only recorded HR and thats been spliced together with the TR file. I’ll be able to sort it and avoid it in future
So if I disconnect strava from intervals, then all the data that I imported in the beginning, when I created the intervals account, will be deleted? I believe most of my stuff before 2020 is from strava. Not recorded with strava, but with strava as a middleman. It’s recorded with Suunto, Runkeeper and maybe also Strava sometimes. Runkeeper is renewed and doesn’t store old data.
Correct. So do not disconnect Strava! It doesn’t matter where the data was originally recorded, it got to via the API so those terms apply. Use the “Import All Strava Data” button to replace all of those with files free from restrictions.
Hello, Found some issues with swimming and rowing data in the Strava export.
Example 1: swimming
importer stops on string “1,500”
On strava it seems to be 1.500 meters
Same issue with rowing, example 2
Kind regards
Grrr. The csv has 2 “Distance” columns. One has distance in km (maybe also miles?) or m depending on the sport. The other has meters. I will fix this on Monday.
I have deployed a fix for this. Please retry the import. Tx.
@david , Over the weekend I imported the rest of my rowing workout data from Strava pre Oct 24. to Jan 1 ‘23. The data is correct, except the displayed workout time and Pace don’t match the graphed data (workout time too short, pace too fast). Will this fix solve my problem?
This fix was only for activities from Strava without a workout file i.e. manually created activities. Please msg me a link to one of your incorrect activities and I will have a look.
Hi David,
Fix works fine! Thanks for that.
Okay, running this issue with my activity journal now, too;-)
Who I import the Strava activities through the file, will activities that already are form a different source (Wahoon, HelathFit, etc.) and have a Strava activity link
- keep the data and all details from the Wahoo/etc. activity as primary data source?
- keep the Stava link into the activity there?
- be internally linked to the down/uploaded Strava activity in
The latter is not really important, the first two points are;-)
But I do want my journal to show all (for me, mostly older) activities that came only from Strava as, e.g., Wahoo, connections were not available back then…
David, thank you for this fix! And happy new year and all the success you wish for – with, your new work setup, and in general:-)
I’ve done the Strava import, but I still have a significant number of activities that do not come through th API… because the imported once did not match, were created as duplicates, and now the original ones are till Strava links.
On example - the following are now two separate activities in from the same Strava activity:
Yes, they do have different durations:-o But pretty much the same start time…
Now, how can I consolidate that – back to “correct”?
- the original activities have my comments, RPEs, feels, etc. – but do not come through in API calls
- the newly added activities come along the API route, but do not have the info.
- I have duplicates in my history, which also change load/etc.
Those 2 have significantly different elapsed time (12m vs 15m) which is why they weren’t matched. I don’t know why the data from the Strava API is so different to the file they provided. Unfortunately you need to manually find these and copy over the feel and RPE info. Adding “Source”, “Date Created”, “Feel” and “RPE” columns to the list view is helpful.
How many of these do you have?
But the API access to intervals is very powerful. I suppose it would be quite easy to make a python (or any other language) script that removes duplicates, based on duration and start time etc.
For example, I have one script that detects park runs, based on if the activity started on a Saturday and between 9.25 and 9.40, and it distance is between 4.9 and 5.1 km.
Approximately 300 :-o
There are 301 pairs of activities with starting date times within 5 min, for somewhat different deltas there are (obviously) less/more. However, some of these might not even come form the Strava “all data” import, but most do.
I quickly wrote a duplicate finder on my local JSON database for my activity journal, see activity-journal/src/iicu_activity_journal/ at main · yokuha/activity-journal · GitHub
However, I am a little hesitant to delete these activities through the API, because it would have to be fully error free, requiring quite some careful pre-operation debugging. Moreover, as of now it is (programmatically) unclear to me which one from the pair should actually be deleted. Which one is the uploaded one with the correct data or the one linked to Wahoo data/etc. Probably further issues like this to handle? Which ones?
Moreover, a number of these, maybe 50 (or some more) are activities with IDs not starting with ‘i’. However, they are real activities but their data was apparently not yet downloaded from Strava… What to do about these in the API?
Other non-i-starting entries from the API are things that do not have a direct link – such as notes/etc. – how does one distinguish these from each other?
What other pitfalls might be there?
PS: Some of the more recent duplicates also come from this problem: HealthFit sync for activities and health metrics - #97 by yokuha These ones I typically catch and manually remove while I analyze my week/etc. – which is easier (but still quite annoying;-) than wing through previous years or weeks.
The concept of anyone “owning my data” and restricting its use other than myself strikes me as extremely odd! I pay for strava so it’s weird to me that they make it hard for me to use my own data in whatever way I want to and using whichever other app I choose. The data comes from GARMIN anyway and is not collected by them or edited in any way for the better! F@$ck capitalism.
Or is it just that my lactate is still high making me grumpy
The data you´re getting through Strava API is modified by them. That´s what they are abusing of…