Implications of using Garmin "Import all" to fill in missing years data

I want to do an analysis of my training back to the year 2018. However, my history in only goes back to 3rd Jan 2020. I’d like advice please on how to fill the gap.

I have a Garmin Connect account with all the data. (I have Strava, but do not pay for membership and the naming of workouts is not as thorough). Garmin Connect is the best source for me. However, when I look at Settings/Garmin Connect, there are two options:

  • Download old data. However this says Garmin does not allow data older than one year to be downloaded.
  • Import all Garmin Data: which involves getting the data from Garmin.

I looks as if I need to use the second option, but I assume this means all my existing Intervals data will get over written. Is that correct? Or can this be avoided?

If all the data is overwritten, I am slightly cautious of this because:

  • Weight data: I suspect it will also overwrite my weight data (not in GC). Is that correct or not? Will that still exist?
  • Notes: What will happen to the existing notes on my calendar. Will they still be there? I use them to highlight periods of training and other things that affect the way I am training.
  • FTP: I assume it will bring in the FTP from GC workouts. (which will be useful to update things). Is that correct?
  • Races: Will it bring these across as races?

Is there anything else I need to be aware of, were I to do the nuclear option?

Thanks in advance

The “Import All Garmin Data” will not pull in weight history. You can choose what wellness data to import from resting HR, sleep and spO2 in the dialog. The files are de-duped against existing activities so you won’t lose existing stuff or get dups. FTP is not imported and the files do not indicate race or not. Nothing will happen to existing notes.

So you can go ahead and do the import.