Hrv pro app synchronization with intervals to create new charts and graphs

Hello everybody
I’m going to add my M. Altini HRV4TRAINING HRV application reports to intervals to create new graphs on the fitness page, without switching them from Garmin, Strava, Training peaks and others. In the list of usual apps on intervals, this one does not appear.
Is there the possibility of doing it with a simple and automatic procedure? thanks in advance for the help


And here are the charts I made up a while ago:


thank you. I’ll try. even if I hope in a fairly close time that the data transfer takes place directly as for some without entering them by passing files and then csv. Thanks again

Unfortunately, Marco has no immediate intention of making the data available through API. @david contacted him on that matter.

it was quite clear. I hope for everyone, myself included, who are passionate about these studies that he can change his mind.
never say never.
thank you

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