HRRc min hr value

What value should I enter in this field? The heartbeat value after 60 sec. after a high effort?
I currently have an LTHR of 175 bpm…if after 60 seconds of effort I have 150 bpm, should I enter 150 in this window?

With a LTHR of 175 , I think that this setting in my windows is wrong



Thank you

It depends… at what level of intensity you want to see the recovery. It’s flexible and adaptable to your needs.


Swimmer here… (well, restarted swimming last year after 30 years of no-sport… now I’m 50y)
…but, which number do we want to put here? and which is the result of changing this value?

EDIT: maybe the answer is already here SETTINGS PAGE - a guide to getting started - #8 by Gerald (I could have searched better… still, maybe would have been nice to have something clearer, as this post, in the description)

The number you see as HRRc is the amount your HR has “dropped” after doing at least 1-minute effort above the set value. A full gas effort for 3-minutes might give a different value compared to a 10-minute threshold effort. That’s why it’s important to compare the value against a similar effort and duration.

That’s why the answer to many questions is, it depends.

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