HRRc - Heart Rate Recovery


Can anyone explain where the HRRc data comes from ?

My interpretation of HRRc is it is initially a static number, a bit like FTP, that can move over a time period. The larger the HRR number the better, or have I got the HRR metric wrong ?

Every time you exceed the threshold HR value set in your settings, for >1m, your HRRc is measured.
The biggest drop in HR is then recorded on the activity.

So, that is set automatically and it can continually move after each effort ?

You can set that value as your choose.

I’ll move the value up/down during the season, based on the interval sessions I’m doing.

I have the impression that you are confounding with HRR as in Heart Rate Reserve which is HRmax minus HRrest.
HRRc here is Heart Rate Recovery, as how fast your HR drops after a hard effort.

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No, it is the HRRc I am interested in.

Check this thread for more info:

I am reading Joe Friel Total Heat Rate Training, HHR is an indicator of heart health / fitness. You are right the higher the number the better.

He also claims Max HR and the methods to calculate it are irrelevant. The only reason for specifying a max HR is to set a baseline for your zones. I am still familiarizing myself with the interface and features of Intervals. Getting there slowly