HR behaviour Indoor vs Outdoor [Vo2 effort]

Today I did a Vo2 max session outdoors, because it was good weather and I’ve finally found a good climb to perform this types of efforts and noticed that the behaviour of my HR was way different than indoors.

A couple of weeks ago I did 5 minutes at 280W indoor, and I notice that my HR immediately jumps to +/- 168bpm (after just 45 seconds or so) and drifts up to 175 by the end of the interval.

While today, I did a similar workout 6min at 280W and noticed that my HR didn’t jumped immediately. It stayed quite low (150/160) and only at 3 min mark it started to go up near 170’s.

Also, today it felt way easier than indoors, physically and psychologically. The clock goes by faster than indoors and I didn’t felt that initial burn, that makes me want to quit the effort just after 1 min.
The session was still hard, and the last 2/3 minutes of each interval I was feeling it burning, but it’s not the same bruttal feeling I usually feel indoors.

These two workouts are separated by less than 4 weeks and I haven’t done any VO2 work between them, so I don’t think I’m fitter than I was when I did the first one.
At least not that fitter, to the point of noticing such dramatic changes.

Can this be the scenario of power meters from indoor bike and outdoor not giving the same results? The last time I checked they were quite on par with each other.

After 45s to 1 min, my HR is already at 170bpm

After 3 minutes, I was still under 170bpms

There’s lot’s of things that differ indoor /outdoor…
You probably had a longer warm-up outdoor making you more ready for those intervals.
It’s generally more motivating outdoor and you’re starting out more relaxed. An indoor ride is often something that you consider ‘has to be done’ while an outdoor ride is more like ‘I have free time to enjoy myself’.
Temperature and body cooling is more favourable when the wind strikes through your hair.
You’re moving more freely on a bike on the road compared to a stationary setup. That engages more of your core muscles and allow you to put out a higher effort.
Etc, etc…